Week | 18

Applications and Implications

1 June 2018 09:48:

This week’s task is to describe our final project. I know that most initial projects either transform into something different or evolve into a more elaborate version, but, in my case, it changed completely. I am starting a healthy-snack business and, one of the big problems of healthy snacking is that it’s not convenient enough.

An interesting approach to increase convenience is to decrease distance and distributing the product (also) via low-cost, fabbable and highly customisable Vending Machines seemed like a perfect fit to both: the business and a Final Project.

The machine I’m designing is not meant to be placed in high traffic areas and streets, it is meant to sell niche products (in my case, healthy snacks, but could be electronics or tools in FabLabs, for an instance) and will be put in selected and (mostly) supervised spaces. Due to its digital fabrication process, as opposed to industrial, the machines are meant to be low cost and should be easily customisable and replicated, meaning that smaller customer groups could be targeted at very low costs.

The idea is that these vending machines should look like a furniture, rather than a big square box, so that they could be placed, in exchange of a max. 10% return over revenues, in selected locations, according to its targeted group. In the case of healthy snacks, the niche locations would Creative Offices, Co-working spaces, Gyms, Crossfit boxes, Natural Product Shops, Design Galleries, Universities, Schools, Small Natural Supermarkets, etc.

Regarding the adjustments that the current prototype has to go through, I am keeping track of the issues using this Trello List as an issue tracker.)

Here’s the dedicated page of the actual final project, with all the information about the project plan.

And, if you’re interested, here’s the initial idea for a final project.