Week | 20

Final Project Development

I know that most initial projects either transform into something different or evolve into a more elaborate version, but, in my case, it changed completely.

From an open-source device that crowdsources soft data from the citizens and gathers highly localised feedback on any topic to a Vending Machine.

I had to be very time-conscious and focus on the minimum viable prototype to get this (new) final project ready in time. Apart from the coding part, I had progressed well in the first project, most parts and architecture had been defined.

In order to keep things more controlled, I have documented all progress, including the tasks that remain to be done (also here), problems and lessons on a single page, you can see here.

So, as a wrap-up to the stage I’m currently at:

  • What is the deadline? How much time do I have left?

By this week, I am only 5 days away from the deadline.

  • What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

All machining, assembling and testing has been done successfully up to now. I will use the available time for working on the programming.

  • How will I complete the remaining tasks in time?

I can always simplify the code and leave some integrations (such as adding a wi-fi module) to future iterations, so, I believe the time I have is enough.

  • What has worked?

I am really happy with the result of the overall mechanism. The tube falls on the elevator flawlessly and the overall movement of the machine is fluid and robust.

  • What hasn’t?

Unfortunately I have burned my infrared sensor and had to replace it by an ultrasonic one, which required me to change the lid of the machine, so that it would fit the new piece. I have also broken a tool while milling, due to an error in my code (generated by Fusion 360). I have chosen a high clearance, which was beyond our shopbot’s preset parameters.

  • What questions still need to be resolved?

I am keeping track of the issues and questions here.

  • What have you learned?

The final project has been a consolidation of all the knowledge acquired throughout Fab Academy. Mostly, I have reinforced my understanding of all digital fabrication techniques and the importance of knowing what tasks to focus on and what to let go, considering a time pressure.