Week 9



Day 1

I'm behind on pushing the documentation for this week into the repository... clearly.

Day 5

This week we’re meant to program one of our boards, or all of them.

I had already programmed my USBISP programer and I got to program the board I did for Electronics design.

Unfortunately, since the USB tips of my programer are sketchy at best, I couldn’t use my own programer to programer the second board.

I used Arduino as a programing language with the Arduino IDE and an AVR programmer to upload the code into the board.

First I had to download the Attiny family library into the Arduino IDE library, so that I could select it as a Board for programing. I also had to have a good look at the ATtiny44 datasheet

Then, before choosing an example, writing any code or attempting to load anything into the board, you need to select all the proper elements in the ‘Tools’ menu.

In this case, that is to say:

  • Board: ATtiny24/44/84
  • Processor: ATtiny44
  • Clock: External 20MHz
  • Port: /dev/ttyUSB0
  • To program anything in this language means to keep track of the equivalency of pins in any given microcontroller in the Arduino Framework (brown):

    I used one of the example codes provided by the Arduino IDE, Blink.

    It worked perfectly and the button responded as expected.

    I also tried other examples provided by the Arduino IDE to modify the intervals in which the LED turned on and off and such by playing with the delay. It was good fun.