Spectrographic Granular Synthesizer

I aim to make a portable pocket synth that can snap pictures and convert them into spectrographic audio data which is then used as the source for a granular synthesis engine.

Granular synthesis is a way of synthesizing sound by taking tiny grains of audio from a pre-recorded source usually measured by the milliseconds. The playback can create highly dynamic results by effecting parameters such as; grain size, position and spray. This is not to be confused with the method of sampling which share similar properties, the main contrast in definition is the size of the source audio and buffering systems, in which granular synthesis offers a vast amount of dynamic control creating results incredibly abstracted from the source. Granular synthesis was born in the computer and has generally stayed in a soft format, the transition to hardware has not been commonly made because the translation of the parameters is somewhat laborious and unfeasible along with insufficient processing power available for real time playback. There are two recent additions to the market being the open source DIY MicroGranny by Bastl Instruments and a Kickstarter project by Tastey Chips Electronic the Gr-1. As far as I have found, whilst some instruments offer aspects of granular synthesis these are the only two options available commercially at this time. The Implementation of this method as a hardware instrument is still in the realm of innovation to studios or live performance which is reflected in high price points, with these two examples ranging between £250 - £800. I feel that introducing a refined portable granular device would breach this trend and be an attractive and affordable item to add to any sonic arsenal.

A Spectrogram is a method of visualizing sonic data in both two and three dimensions, whilst it is a useful tool in audio analysis a creative application has been applied where images can be converted into the sonic spectrum delivering some truly alien results. This method is used as a standalone feature to create some interesting sounds but has already been paired with granular plugins in the past. My proposal for my FMP is to feature a camera where I can generate audio from a spectrographic conversion which can then be manipulated via granular synthesis.

Potential Parts -Adafruit 1.27" and 1.5" Color OLED Breakout Board
- 5mm Electronic Brick Rotary Potentiometer
- Pi camera module V2
- Touch strip (DIY)
- 5mm push botton switch