A three- dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source. The term ‘hologram’ can refer to both the encoded material and the resulting image. A holographic image can be seen by looking into an illuminated holographic print or by shining a laser through a hologram and projecting the image onto a screen. Other methods of projecting and reflecting images are often described as holographic – or even misleadingly holograms, because they have an optical presence, spatial quality or iridescent colors.


Our method of display and visual media has evolved from 2d - 3d - Virtual reality - Augmented reality. VR & AR was once a dream but now we see the industry booming with a lot of innovations in this concept, be it in design field or the entertainment industry. I believe that hologram will be the next step in that evolutionary process. The uses of hologram are already being explored in multiple fields such as 3d printing, imaging, photography, architecture etc.


The concept of hologram has always been of great interest to me since it’s appearance in movies and theories. Then I came across this DIY hologram which works on the principle of pepper’s ghost. Though it isn’t a true hologram, the image produced by this method is still fascinating, and being an amateur photographer, this manipulation of light was something that intrigued me. So I decided to take this as my final project and explore its possibilities in the field of communication.


There are some limitations when it comes to holographic projections, particularly by this method. The excitement of the end user stops as they keep looping the same videos over and over again. Taking this method of projection a little further, it can be made interactive and used for various other purposes. So my intention is to make a device featuring hologram in the field of communication, also making it portable and cost effective. Further I would like to explore different ways in which a hologram could be projected


As shown in the flow chart, the idea is when a person / user comes in from of the device, the camera detects face / humans, process the image.

It removes the background and adds a black background, because for projecting an object as hologram it is necessary. Once the image is processed another program replicated the video stream into four different directions which is then viewed on the device. This is taken care by one system.


The other system checks the object for distance and light. An light sensor and a distance sensor is attached to the device.  When an object is at a certain range from the device, the systems wakes up the primary system to check for face detection. Also the secondary system checks the amount of light on the object. If the object is illuminated below a certain lux level, it will switch on external light attached to the device.


This is the basic working of the device.


WEEK 3- Computer aided design


As a part of learning a new 3d software I tried to model my final project and how it might look. This I modeled and rendered in Fusion 360. The design is not an original design. I had reference from the Internet. I shall in the following weeks try to improve upon it.

WEEK 11- Input Devices


I used sensors like photo-transistor, IR and PIR as part of this weeks assignment. The same cane be used for my final project as well. The photo-transistor is fine but the range of IR was very less. I might have to switch to sharp IR or Ultrasonic sensors.

WEEK 12- Output Devices


I made a modular board, like a satsha kit which I can use in my final project. I can program and connect all my sensors and lights to this one board. Also the networking modules.

WEEK 13- Interface and Application Progarmming


I made use of this weeks assignment to learn and language and try to understand the programming part of my final project. After much research I used python for coding. I was successfully able to do background subtraction and to manipulate the video.


This week was about what and how the Fab academy functions. Assignment was to sketch and plan a potential final project. The following week course can be planned in such a way that it aids in the completion of the final project. A final product should be such that, it exhibits competence in design, fabrication and programming of your own fabbed microcontroller PCB, including an input & output device.