Week - 14         Networking and Communications


Networking and Communications


Group work - send a message between two projects

For the group work we use two  gaurav’s final board and communicate between them in that

Task for communication between boards

In this we use on IR sensor on one board connect this board with another board through rx and tx pin , in this we programed one board that it will read that analog value from sensor and compare this if this is less than 100 then glow led and send signal to another board than second board will read value and  if this is less than 90 it will glow led again

We are here simple programming on board led to check the communication

Here sensor is connected to analog pin AO and led is connected to pin 4


Connection diagram





























































In this we use software serial command for communication as using this library we can define any i/o to rx and tx pin here we use pin 8 and pin 9 for rx and tx for communication between two board we transfer the data from this pins only


Please find the files attached here


Please find the video below.