Week 15
Machine design

The theme of this week was "Machine design", during this week, we designed the electronic parts and tested the operation of the machine.

The objective of this assignment were:
  • Actuate and automate your machine
The pieces designed in Grasshopper of Rhinoceros must impromirse in 3D. To do this, I selected each piece separately and commissioned it in Rhino object with the "Bake" command.
Once you converted them into objects, I exported them as an STL file.
The STL file is uploaded to Flasprint, which is the job preparation software of the printer "FlashForge Creator Pro", where you can arrange the pieces, duplicate, rotate, move.
The print job lasted 2 hours apox.
The Engraver supports sent to print to the BNC printer, the printing took 4 hours.

Test of operation of the three axes, make a spiral on copper foil.