Home About Me Weekly Assigments Final Project

Project Management

Fab Academy 2018

Week #1

Task #1

Bulid a Personal Site

The first task of this week was to create a website in order to post our weekly assignments and the final project. Because this is my first time building a website, it took a lot from me just to build a very simple one. Anyway, I will never give up and I'll keep learning and improving my page.

As a start I read an HTML tutorial and CSS tutorial from www.w3schools.com. I used a Brackets software to write both HTML and CSS codes, Brackets also give a live preview for your codes. The first step was to create two new files index.html and main.css. Start with HTML file: the figure below shows the settings of the beginning of the html code and the ‹head› tag which has the link of the CSS file that describe the style of this html page and ‹title› tag which set the title of the web page. These settings don't visible in the web page.


After ‹head› tag the ‹body› describes the visible content of the page and I divided into to classes to easy control their styles in CSS file. Here is an example for a class that contain the main head of my page.


My main.css file describes the style of the index.html file. As I divided my code into separate divs so I could manage each ‹div› style without affecting the others. The figure below shows the settings of the first part titles and background picture features.


I decided to add a top navigation bar, that shows below, to easily move to the desired section in the page by clicking on its name in the bar.


The HTML code for the navigation bar is:


The CSS code for the navigation bar is:


Beside of the HTML code for the main page index.html file I created an individual HTML file for each week assignment ex: week1.html, but one CSS file to manage all weeks HTML files weeks.css

Task #2

GITLab Setup

Again, it seems that everything is new in the first week, this is my first time working with GITLab and even hear the expression version control so I was confused at the beginning, but thanks for our great instructor Alobt Dima he gave us a detailed explanation of how to easily use the GITLab

Firstly, I logged in into my GitLab account and found my name as shown:


Secondly, I entered into my account and created a new file by clicking on + icon as shown, then write the file name index.html


In order to upload the index file I added a.yml file by again clicking on + as the previous step, then I choose templets as shown in the figure below, after that added anything in commit message filed then pressed commit changes.


By the end of this step I have a blank HTML page when I click on my name in the Fab Academy 2018 list of students in this link

Now moving to Git Bash App, which could be installed from this link Then I wrote the shown below commands respectively as Git Bash command window


Then I continued pressing Enter and y, after that I wrote this command cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub .Then I have a key, I copy and paste it into the page Israa Rabbaa_Setting_ SSH Keys page .Then I create a new folder in my computer to be my local working directory I named it GIT and navigate to it. Then I copy the link shownnin the picture below.

After that I created a new folder in my computer to be my local working directory I named it GIT, then I navigated into it. Then I copied the link shown in the figure


Finally, I write this command followed by enter:

git clone the link I copied

Now I can upload my files after editing them using these three commands:

  1. git add -A: this will add all the files in the dirictory
  2. git commit -m a useful Message for update information this command will just add a title for the updating opreation
  3. git push : this command will push all files added in the first command to the my GITLab account