About me



-Work through a git tutorial.

-Build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project.


I used Muse from Adobe to make my personal site, because this software is easy to use if you do not know anything about how you can make a webpage. This software allows you to build nice and very useful web pages without writing code, on adding widgets and clicking some buttons you will do it. It has a userfriendly-intuitive interface too.

First is set the layout size, I would recommend you to keep the size as it is by default because if you make the layout size bigger, the people who enter to your web page and them have a smaller resolution will need to scroll to right to see everything else.

This is the view of my master page and the subpages, you can ordered as you want.

In the master page, whatever you put it on it is going to be on all your subpages from it

I ordered it by my principal menu on my master page for do not get lost where I put some pages. you can ad subpages as you want by clicking + next to the page you want add a new subpage.

You can add wiidgets, documents, links, text, images, only clicking some buttons.

I let you a video from adobe about muse to watch all you can do it


How to use GitBash:

When you want to clone your webpage for the first time, you need to generate a pair of public/private key to identify yourself with the gitlab server.


1.- Open the Git Bash CMD and type:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your.email@example.com" -b 4096


2.- Got to discC:/Users/nameotheuser/.ssh/id_ssa this file need to contain the public ssh not the private ssh.


3.- Open the Public key (id_rsa.pub) with a text editor and copy its content in https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/profile/keys (go to settings > ssh keys)


4.- Paste your ssh pub key to <key>, write a name to the key and click <add key>


5.- Open GitBash and write: git clone url (your URL that is in the details page of your project; it is labelled SSH) and click enter.


6.- Write: <git status> to check where you are.


7.- Write  <git add {what you want to add}>  to add the files to the temp store.


8.- Write <git commit -m {"descriptive text"}> Commit the changes (move to the local repo).


9.- Write <git push origin master> to upload the changes to the server (move to the remote repo).