Week 11 assignments | Fabacademy

Inputs Devices


  • Add a sensor to a microcontroller board that I have designed and read it.

Designing Board

In this assignement I will modify the board I made in week 7 and add an input(sensor) and read the data of that input device.
In modifying the week 7 work, I removed the push button and replaced it with a hall effect sensor for sensing magnetic field around.

Img: Designing schematic
Img: Designing PCB
Img: 3D view

After desinging I generated SVG file which I converted to PNG through Gimp.

Img: traces in Gimp
Img: edgecuts in Gimp

I used the PNG files to create RML file through Fabmodules.

Img: traces in fabmodules
Img: edgecuts in fabmodules

Printing the Board

I first setted the origin cordinates for my board and used the RML file I generated to print and cut my circuit.

Img: setting board
Img: printing board
Img: final _board

After printing the board I soldered all the component on the board.

Img: soldered component


I used Arduino IDE to program my board.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(PB1, PB2);

int hallPin = PB4;
int LEDpin = PB3;

void setup(){
    pinMode(hallPin, INPUT);
    pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
	if (analogRead(hallPin) > 600)
		digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

I used this program to check different sides of a magnet. The north pole of the magnet will turn ON the LED and the south pole with turn OFF the LED.
Img: Hero shot
Img: Screen shot

Files used
