Week 2 assignments | Fabacademy

Project Management

Work to be done

Setting up Git and Gitlab

In order to use fab archive I have to set up Git and Gitlab. to do so I opened an acount on Gitlab filled all required information.
After login in my account I had to setup my Git so that I can sync my local repo with the online one.

Img: Openning Gitlab

I moved the cursor to the up right corner Img: Profile button

  • Clicked on Settings,
  • Img: Gitlab settings
  • Clicked on SSH Keys.
  • Img: Filling SSH key

    Before adding an SSH key I had to first generate it from my computer. I followed the link provided for generating ssh [see image above].
    I used this command to generate ssh key

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your.email@example.com" -b 4096

    Next I copied 'SSH key' to the clipboard using

    xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

    In my case I didn't have xclip installed, so I installed it with these commands.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install xclip

    cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | clip

    After I navigated to the 'SSH keys' tab in 'Profile Settings' and paste my keys in 'Key' section.
    Img: Pasting SSH keys

    I choosed to use git because is widely supported by many developers, and in my oppinion it is easy to use even if I haven't tried others. And it is also free to use.
    While using git I didn't face any challenge since I had a basic notion on how to use git.
    This is the resource I used in learning git commands.
    In git I haven't learned many command, I only know the basic ones:

    git status 				# for checking status of your project
    git add .				# for add all changes you have made
    git commit -m 'log message'		# for commiting your changes with a log message
    git push origin branchName		# for push your changes to the remote repository to a specific branch.
    git pull 				# for pulling/including changes made to your project from a remote repository.

    Building Personal website

    Before FabAcademy I haven't built a serious website tho I have played with HTML and CSS before. Starting building my website I learnt about HTML, CSS and BOOTSTRAP using w3schools.

    Img: learning web
    Img: learning HTML
    Img: learning CSS
    Img: learning BOOTSTRAP

    I used sublime text in designing my personal website.

    Img: Designing the web

    After getting enough introduction on how to build web I started sketching the way I want my website to look.

    Img: sketching home page
    Img: sketching assignment page
    Img: sketching weekly page

    Then I procided with designing the website, I tried to design it as I had sketched it and adding some small changes to make it better. The below picture are for different pages and steps I took while design the whole website.

    Img: Designing Home page
    Img: Designing Assignment page
    Img: Final design of assignment page

    Here's sample of the HTML tags and CSS code I used in designing the web.
    Img: Code used

    Uploading my website

    After designing my website the following step was to upload(push) it to online repository.
    I used the following Git commands":

    For checking status of my repository:
    $ git status
    For adding all changes in my repository:
    $ git add .
    After adding all changes I commited them in my repo:
    $ git commit -m 'log message for commit'
    Now the remaining thing was to upload(push) my repo online:
    $ git push origin master