
Final Project

About Me

Week 15

Group Assignmet page


- design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation
- build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
- document the group project and your individual contribution

1.Machine design

seunghwan's week15

seunghwan did a machine design, so I laser-cut and assemble with his files.


We decided to have acrylic 5T.

So I cut the acrylic 5T with laser cutter.

Finish the cut, I did this with a shop assembly, confirmed it to ji, and then used the bond to make the final assembly.

If there was a problem, I tried to tighten the bolt by inserting the washer, but the side parts did not fit and I proceeded to remove the washer.

I tried to rotate the motor by hand and rotate it without raising the structure to be raised, and it worked well.

After assembling the structure that was not made after that, the motor was turned once again in the raised state, It worked well.

You can download my work here
zip file download