Fab Academy 2018 - Lucas Lim
Final Project - Concept

Still exploring ideas...

I am still exploring around...

Exploring IoT(Internet of things)...

I am exploring IoT with a general ideal of incorporating a input device (like motion sensor as well as button for manual activation of the device) and output methods (like moving some odject like a door, or lighting up with differnet colors).

Main influencing factor in deciding final project

I am currently working in the School of School of Architecture & the Built Environment, which is related to the construction (or built environment) industry including facilities management.
Therefore I would like to explore and work on a suitable final project that will bring some benefits to my employer. Example IoT or some form of Smart Home Device will be suitable for consideration.

Other consideration factors influencing my final project :

1. Keeping cost to between USD100 or not exceeding USD500
2. A final project that can be reasonably completed in the next 6 months
3. A final project that incorporates all the skillsets covered in the FAB Academy Diploma Course (like fabrication, I/O, programming)

Final Project Idea :

Lucas Lim
FAB Lab Singapore
30th Jan 2018