Fab Academy 2018 - Thierry Dassé

Week 1 : Principles and Practices

First idea

I am sensitive to the environmental problems. That's why I sort my wastes and recycle them.
But, it's not very easy to know wether your way of living has a high ecological impact or not.
In order to help evrerybody to know better about how many wastes we make each year, I'd like to build a trash bin:

I'll design all this project under free licence. Other makers will be able to modify and improve it.

First idea sketch

e-bin first design

E-bin has to be modular for everybody to modify it depending of his way of life, nomber of people in the place, type of wastes made ... It should be possible to plug or remove other cans easily.
It should weigh wastes and compute results for users to know better their ecological impact and what type of wastes them make the most.
Using light energy with batteries if needed can help to reduce power consumption.
Organic wastes can be recycled directly in a composter.

It should be easy to build all in a fab lab and has to be strong enough and very low cost.

Functional requirement

functional requirement E-bin is a trash bin, usefull to sort wastes and :


e-bin project schedule

I have made this schedule with GanttProject free software to plan my work on e-bin project.
This software is easy to use and cand help to be more efficient but it's quite difficult to evaluate time in the begining.
