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Applications and Implications


  • Propose a final project that integrates the range of units covered, answering the following questions:

What will it do?

It will be box that you can open and store things in, but It has an extra aspect which is security. There will be a camera inside of the box, which takes a picture of you every time you open it and send it to your device. This is the least I would want to do. If possible I will use the camera to incorporate facial recognition.

Who's done what beforehand?

I see people who have done projects with cameras before that could be useful for what I'm doing. Also there is a lot of box designs I can find inspiration in such as this one:

design design

I have also found a student form last year named Jasim Bouresli who made a "Smart Jewelry Box" that only opens when a password is entered in a mobile application.


What materials and components will be required?

  • Box(coulpe of sheets of plywood)
  • Locking mechanism(fillament)
  • Servo motor
  • Electronics made in the lab
  • Raspberry PI
  • Pi Camera
  • Power source (powerbank)

Where will they come from?

  • I will make the box either from scratch or I can find a design file to start from and edit it
  • I will make the locking mechanism and we have the motor in our lab
  • I'm making the circuit board that will control the locking mechanism
  • The Raspberry Pi with camera attachment will be a possible solution to handle the processing of the pictures together with the communication to external devices.
  • I will buy a powerbank to power the electronics

How much will it cost?

The cost of the powerbank, Raspberry Pi and camera attachment plus the rest of the materials that includes electronics components, wood and filament for 3D printing, will add up to approximately 550 kr which is about 75 €

What parts and systems will be made?

The box, locking mechanism and part of the electronics will be made together with the code that will make everything work together.

What processes will be used?

  • 3D printing
  • 3D modeling
  • 2D modeling
  • Computer controlled cutting
  • Programming
  • Electronics design
  • Electronics production

What tasks need to be completed?

  • I have to make a box design that integrates storage space, camera, locking mechanism and electronics
  • I might have to redo layout of the electronics to fit the box
  • Implement facial recognition software

What questions need to be answered?

  • How can I make a suitable design for the box?
  • Which software is the best for facial recognition and how is it implemented in my setup?

What is the schedule?

  • 30/5 - Have all the coding and electronics sorted out
  • 1/6 - Be ready with the box design
  • 3/6 - The box will be integrated with the electronics and working without facial recognition
  • 7/6 - Facial recognition should be implemented
  • 11/6 - Documentation and the video and slide for the presentation will be ready

How will it be evaluated?

It will be evaluated as an okay product if I make a box that takes a picture and sends it to you when you open it. In order to make the project go from okay to being viewed as great I would have to implement facial recognition.