Wheek 1: Priciples and Practices.

The project idea consists on a lemon squeezing machine. It uses purely mechanical force to perform an ordinary activity. So, I plan to design and construct little machine on wood and plastic using a 3D printer. I decided to make this project compact, portable and automatically controlled because around the city of Lima there are small businesses of natural fruit juice sellers which are still informal. The advantage of this machine will be the time in which you obtain the juice from the lemon. It will squeeze more lemons in less time than conventional machines so the rest of the time could be used for an important and special stuff. For this machine, I plan to use a main processor, DC motors with PWM signal control and sensors for optimal and safe operation. In the front panel I plan to use an LCD display screen show the special parameters for the operation. .

I made a gantt diagram for the Fab Academy period. I plan to use each week to complete a task for my final project. .