Week 1: Principles and Practices

First Final Project Proposal: Turtle Startler

This design was done rapidly and while I plan on making it to help the WWF protect sea turtles at the moment its all I've got as my final project, but it most definitley will change as the course progresses. The idea is simple, using green LED's the Turtle Startler will scare away turtles from fishing nets while maintaining the amount of fish caught. The device will generate its own energy by harvesting the kinetic energy generated by the tides and forward movement of the boat making it environmentaly sustainable and cheaper in the long term. It will have a metal clip for close to timeless attachment to the fishing net and a refracting pattern to increase the LEDs light emission.

Turtle Startler

Second Final Project Proposal: 3D Printing Filament Extrusor

My journey into digital manufacturing started through the world of 3D modeling and 3D printers. Living in Peru I soon found out that the filament for 3D printing is very expensive (70$ per 1kg). Given this circunstances I've decided to make an extrusor that compresses and heats crushed plastic(PET) into 3D printing filament. It is intended to be easy to build and opensource so everyone that wants access to cheap filament can use it as an available option.

Sketch Extrusora

Final Final Project Proposal: Automated Hydroponic Lettuce Pot

As time grew more pressing and I was having trouble finding a salomonic drill which I found out was about 150$ I opted to sketcha new final project and talking with a Botanical Expert(friend of mine) I came out with this idea.
I've always loved plants but with the city's busy life and my hyperactive personality taking care of them was impossible so to solve that problem for myself aswell as others I decided to make a automated hydroponic pot that initially will grow lettuce only needing human effor every 15 days.
This is how my idea started.

POT 01

As the idea progressed I decided to make it easy to set up on a wall to make it space efficient for appartments.

POT 02

And this would be the final sketch, all the electronics would go behind and the tubes going to the back would be connected to the dc motor pumps I acquired.

POT 03
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