Project Management-


-Make your personal website and describe how you did it

-Introduce yourself

-Document the steps for uploading files to archive

-push to the class archive

Webpage design -

This is first time I made a webpage, never actually had any exposure to website programming before. It was a great challenge for me to develop a webpage. So, after the lecture from the next day itself I started learning basics of html from Codecademy,W3Schools and Instructable . After two restless day and night learning, I was in a condition to initiate development of my webpage.

  • Webpage
  • So I decided to use free templates available on internet.

    First I download simpletemplat

    Browsing for template on internet

    Then I decided to use template which is available on internet. I copied source code of the template


    I started editing code on Gedit as per my requirment. I decided to stay basic on my website creation and focused my energy on the project selection. I liked how the page came out and plan on making modifications as the course goes on and I learn more HTML and Bootstrap codes.

    The assignment for the week was to create a website describing yourself and your final project. To complete the task at hand, you needed to learn HTML and version control software i.e. Git. We were also to take into consideration the size of the pictures and videos included and document the learning around project management. Our local instructor at Vigyan Ashram FABLAB pune provided many tips about, how to successful undertake all the assignment.

    Basic learning

    I learnt about HTML and tags used in HTML.I obsFirst thing we did was to set erved there is some tags which is coled main format of HTML language like -

    Simple code

    I am learning HTML and CSS and am certified in it as well, and I thought that it would be a good idea to give out a tutorial on how to start designing your own website using HTML and a little bit of CSS.


    Is an abbreviation for Hyper Text Markup Language.


    Is an abbreviation for Cascading Style Sheets.

    HTML is actually used to create the webpage and the content that it has, like the images and writing.

    HTML Heading Tags

    Computer to run on Windows to be used exclusively for this course. Afterwards we undergo many tutorials dealing with Git, HTML and student success. The first week went by fast, but after the global lecture, my curiosity led me to the profound statement by Neil, "Think Globally, Fabricate Locally." It was truly amazing how many committed individuals are starting this course around the world.

    Simple code

    responsive responsive

    Then started editing free template

    Coding and output


    Editing and designing

    I tried my own HTML code with Gedit


    Editing was one of the most good experience. I had some hard time reading the code initially but had it figured after some time playing with it. sublime text was really handy for me to code my website,


    For creating the HTML file, on the field after the i am just write index.html. and commit changes.

    Just like that, already start writing html. But for it be auto updated, i must create a ci.yml file. Creating ci.yml file. For auto update : Again On the select New file, again. This time, on Template, choose .gitlab-ci.yml template type, as the picture.

    Now I going to design my index.html file where I actually add my content and images for good looking.

    This is new my webpage is looking good





    Computer set up-

    I am using Linux based Ubuntu Operating System on my computer.

    Before installing GIT

    Update and upgrade ubuntu for installing the latest updates of ubuntu and neglecting the errors.

    1. To do Update and upgrade open the terminal and type sudo apt get update and after this type sudo apt get upgrade. It will take some time (actually depend upon internet speed).


    After uploading I started GIT installation in my Linux system.

    2. I used

    "sudo apt-get install git"

    command for installation and I checked whether the GIT installed or not in my system by using

    "dpkg-s git"

    command. responsive

    Git installed in my laptop.

    3.I got mail from the fab academy coordinator and then by using my username and password I signed in.


    4. After signing in I changed some profile settings as shown in below:

    {Git Repo}

    GIT installation with UBUNTU. For this I can use ubuntu OS or Ubuntu App on windows to following steps.

    Install GIT in Linux system with following commands sudo

    apt-get install git


    I am Check whether its installed or not

    dpkg -s git


    after pressing enter you will get message with long line with showing git Installation done.ok in between Generation of new SSH key

    First do flush out all ssh keys from ssh folder. For this use command

    cd ~/.ssh #navigate to . ssh folder rm * #delete everything present

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

    I created my mail id


    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    This will add the key in ssh-agent if get error after above command execute this command

    sudo apt install xclip

    Install xclip if required xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/ #by-default it creates id_rsa file. if i am changed the defaults then replace that with this

    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Adding index.html to file :

    I am going in my project page i.e. Rohan.rege and create new file as shown in below picture


    Git clone:

    After this copy link below in red box for my project . And open terminal and execute command.


    For every time updates I need to follow list four commands-

    1.Git pull Add my updated content in your cloned folder.

    2.Git add -all.

    3.Git commit -m"message".

    4. Git push.

    Learning Outcomes-

    I learn new operating system i.e UBUNTU which is open source and practicing on all commands. For my website, I tried HTML and jekyll. I learn the languages with the help of W3 school. I used brackets for editing the web. I am starting with how to write code, include images, give different links,etc. First time I'm having fun under the laptop shadow.