Educational institutions, parents and mainly teachers do not use didactic tools that mix learning and fun while allowing children to strengthen and increase the chances of investigative progress since their student beginnings, so unfortunately they are still using materials that do not focus on modern education trends.

The lack of didactic elements that encourage children for innovation and technological development, taking advantage of their age of cognitive curiosity and their enthusiastic interest in acquiring knowledge, considerably reduces the possibility that when they are young they are interested in the creation of technology, which it leads the country to a low level of technological development and therefore to continue being consumers


The project JEDPRO consists of creating of a prototype of Educational Electronic Toy which aim is the teaching of basic programming for children of all ages; It relates learning with fun, simplifying programming, so children through the game that is an innate activity, they could adopt programming knowledge and at the same time involving them with the world of technology.


This prototype will be manufactured using different digital fabrication technologies such as 3D printing, laser cutting and engraving, CNC machining, molding and casting, electronic design and others. It contains a logic of tangible programming; the same that allows children to program a robot wirelessly, only inserting small instruction pieces, which gives simplicity at the time of the action of playing and learning to program.

This project is inspired by Primo Toys, my main contribution in this project is in the incorporation of programming functions like conditions and cycles that allow to resemble the tangible programming to a real programming, additionally I add a mobile application that allows to control the robot with programming functions from any cell phone or smart device.

The proposed didactic toy involves children basically with three concepts of programming which are: instruction, sequence and control structures (cycles and conditions); which are the key concepts when they learn directly the programming approach. The purpose of the game is to program sequences of instructions in a tangible programming interface to guide a robot toward a destination or a proposed goal by way of challenge, so that children develop their creativity and imagination, and at the same time they will be involved in programming in a playful way.


Activity planning

To do the planning of activities for the development of the project use the GanttProject software


You can see the development and implementation of the project HERE

Here, I share the list of material that I will use to develop the final project

Image gallery