Principles and Practices




Plan and sketch a potential final project



The first week. Very difficult to understand GIT, but with the time I get it a little bit more, at least to upload my page easily. I planned my project and I will integrate as much as possible the assignments. For now it is just an idea.


1.     Create profile in gitlab

Descripción: 01_Profile.jpg


2.     GitLab and SSH keys. Steps on how to generate my key

Descripción: 03_Generating_Key.jpg


3.     Download Git for windows

Descripción: 04_Download_Git.jpg


4.     Generate Key on Git
Write the commands on the program till you get your key

Descripción: 05_commandsOn_git.jpg


5.     Copy the key on GitLab, settings

Descripción: 06_KeyCopiedinGitLab.jpg


6.     Ready to push, I think


Plan and sketch a potential final project

Descripción: Descripción: IdeasPreslecc


What will do

The project is an independent object that is added to the houses built in the slums and that by them replicating massively can have an impact on the city; transversally to its scale is within the social dimension. When the slums have better access to resources, other needs that are currently secondary but equally important may be addressed. For now only few parts of the project will be developed, which I have been developing integrating the assignments to it. The device must be light, assemblable and modular, in order to reach the areas of difficult access for public transport.

The process will consist on a structure than can hold different functions. For the final presentation I will develop only a couple . electronics to control the leves of water, the irrigation of the plants, turn on light bulbs, etc.


Who will use it

This device is for low income areas with difficult access to resources and transportation.



·         Git is difficult at first glance, but with practice I learned to control it.

·         Git is very useful to manage a repository and on line content, so it isn´t duplicated and everything is synchronized with a specific folder on my computer when we push

·         My project is could be a real step on ideas I have though in the future but didn´t know I could do by myself