Project Management
Week 2

1. Work through a git tutorial

Git Tutorial

To start to work with Git, I had to take a course in Code School. The Try Git course helped me to learn basic Git commands with a simulator.

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Fab Academy Repository

FabAcademy has a repository for each FabLab, in my case is FabLab ZOI. My user is @pablo.estrella and my URL project is

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2. Build a personal website

HTML Tutorial

To start to work with HTML, I had to take a course in Codeacademy. The Learn HTML course helped me to learn all the common HTML tags used to structure HTML pages, the skeleton of my website.

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To start to work with my website, I prepared mockups and a layout with four components.

1. Main page (index.html)
2. About me page (about-me.html)
3. Assignments page (assignments.html)
4. Final Project page (final-project.html)

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Also, I used an online tool for reducing the size of my images and photos (

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HTML Editor

Next, I needed to use a HTML editor. I checked some options like as Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets and the best choice was Visual Studio Code, because it's open source and provides a comprehensive editing.

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I used Bootstrap, an open-source front-end web framework for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.

Also, I used Modern Business template, because, I needed a portafolio structure for my assignments page.

The CSS are bootstrap.min.css and modern-business.css

Made commits in FabAcademy archive

1. The first step is to clone the repository in my computer (git clone)

MacBook-Pro-de-pestrella:pablo-estrella pestrella$ git clone

2. Next step, prepare repository at FabAcademy's GitLab with continuos integration script (.gitlab-ci.yml).

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3. Go to repository directory (cd pablo-estrella).

MacBook-Pro-de-pestrella:pablo-estrella pestrella$ cd pablo-estrella

3. Next step, add new files (git add)

MacBook-Pro-de-pestrella:pablo-estrella pestrella$ git add *

4. Commiting changes (git commit) with comments and verify commitings (git log).

MacBook-Pro-de-pestrella:pablo-estrella pestrella$ git commit -m "Website initial version"

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5. Next step, push a snapshot in FabLab ZOI online repository (git push).

MacBook-Pro-de-pestrella:pablo-estrella pestrella$ git push -origin master

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6. Finally, the result is visible in GitLab

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