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13. Applications and implications

This week we should Propose a final project masterpiece answering:

     What will it do?

     Who's done what beforehand?

     What will you design?

     What materials and components will be used?

     Where will come from?

     How much will they cost?

     What parts and systems will be made?

     What processes will be used?

     What questions need to be answered?

     How will it be evaluated?

What it will do?

Final Project : Singing Plant(s)

The idea of the project was developed since the time Theremin was invented by Léon Theremin. Now, with the help of arduino, Gameduino, Touche Shield(Advanced Touch Sensing) iam going to try and make this project work.

The Touch Shield a way to detect or sense touch was earlier designed by Disney Research Labs. you can see the following video below :

The Shield will use the Direct Digital Synthesizer IC from Analog Devices. It generates a really pure sine wave signal with frequencies between 1kHz and 3.5MHz with high resolution. While the Arduino is capable of generating frequencies in this range the signal is a square wave with lots of harmonic frequency components and really low frequency resolution.

It will capacitance between two conductive obejcts(e.g. objects like: metal, water, human bodies and plants)

A Plant connected to capacitance sensor can detect if people are touching it or not. Then, further converting it to sounds(music).


Beforehand Work?

I am providing following links so that it is much easier to understand the work and research already done on the same .

Components and Materials?

1) Arduino


3) Touch Shield’s components :

Arduino Usb cable Shield pin headers Resister: 10k, 1MOmh, 3,3k Capacitor: 100pf, 10nf Diode: 1N4148 diode Coil / inductor: 10mH ( part no: 07.055.0510)

4) Two buttons.

5) A couple of Alligator clips.

6) Two banana connectors.

7) Enclosure (a wooden box or something alike)

Where will they come from?