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1. Principles and Practices


  • Plan and sketch a potential final project

Plan and sketch a potential final project

I’m a cyclist and taking your phone out of our pocket to check if you’re going the right way isn’t good. Other than difficult, is actually pretty dangerous as most of us do it while pedaling.

My goal is to make bikes a little bit more smart. Starting with navigation, and if there’s enough time, I’ll add more features.

For trails or countryside rides, it’s ok to have a big gps or your phone attached to the handlebar. But, for cities, you don’t want to get distracted, there’s a lot going on already. And for the sake of not getting robbed, placing a $1000 phone on your bike is not a good way to be discrete.

So my idea is to build a device that will safely guide the cyclist throughout the route without being distracting.

Since it is going to be installed on a bike, it needs to meet a couple of other requirements:

  • Easy to use
  • Fit multiple handles
  • Waterproof
  • Difficult to steal
  • Self-powering


I’ve actually found a couple of ready products / concepts on the internet and I’m going to add them here as a reference. It actually proves the necessity of the product.






So far I’m still trying to answer a few questions:

How to send the google maps route to the device? How to indicate a complicated turn? Like soft left or big roundabout.

First sketches