4. Computer controlled cutting

This week I am working on designing the part I will be cutting and using to assemble my model.

A series of unfortunate events this week…

This week we had a swamped basement on Friday and a winter storm on Tuesday, so things were not as effective as expected…


Code Example

NO Code this week...

This is the design of my basic piece for the assemply made on SolidWorks…

This is my SolidWorks design now imported as a DXF file into INKSCAPE for its edition and later cutting with the Laser Tool:

This is my first Laser cut part:

This is the full array with the seven pieces:

From Youtube

3D Models

This is Final Assembly with the Cardboard Laser cutted pieces…

Using the Vinil cutter:

This week I also made a Harry Potter “Slytherin” T-Shirt using the Vinil cutter…

The weeding was laborious, but totally worth it…

Using the Mini CNC 3018: