Welcome to Fab Lab ESAN academy webpage#

Who we are#

Fab Lab ESAN is part of the ESAN University located in Lima, Peru. We are the first digital manufacturing laboratory recognized by the Peruvian government as a center of technological innovation. We support the community in developing collaboratively contextualized solutions that solve local problems.

Our Mission#

Contribute to shortening the digital gap in our country by making digital manufacturing technologies available to students, entrepreneurs and enterprises, promoting the creation of knowledge through the use of these tools in applied research and innovation that contribute to solving real problems in our community. In this way, innovation applied to the business and professional environment is promoted as the ideal systematic process to successfully face the challenges of the current, national and international competitive environment.

Our Vision#

Become an I+D+i center recognized by peruvian country and helps our country based on the capacity to create, adopt and adapt knowledge and technology, and contributes to the strengthening of the role of innovation in the economic development of Peru, contributing, in the long term, to achieve higher levels of productive diversification in Peruvian industry.

Students 2019#

Mayra Alejandra Mamami Lopez

Henry Wenceslao Escalante Poma - for next cycle

Machine Development Assignment#


For the grupal project Mayra, our current student, decided to fabricate the Fab Drinker Machine. It consiste of a 4 player drinking game baed on reaction speed. The game begins when the four players wait for a LED to light up. When it happens, each player have to push their own button. A shot of liqueur is automacticaly pour to the last player to react.


The mechanical structure was design by Mayra. The idea was to make a rectangle platform with a frame in the middle where holder was attach to grab the bottle. For smoothing the movement of the system, a roller bearing was added to joint between the gram and holder. A 3D printed bearing was also introducind between the base and the frame.

For interacting with the machine, Mayra introduce cubes with buttons on their top for each player. She also thought about how to notice the player when to start by adding a LED light on top of the frame.

The software used for design was Autodesk Inventor because of its assembly function. The first image shows the structure designed by Mayra.

The next figure present the 3D elements for smoothling the movement between the joints of the machine.


Trotec Laser – Laser Cutter#

We use the Laser Cutter to make:

- Rotating base
- Rectangular base
- Upper base 
- Cup holder

The material used was MDF 3mm and 4 mm thickness.

Bcn 3D sigma -3D Printer#

The prints came out of very good quality. We printed in 3d: The coupling for the motor stepper, and the clamp (which holds the bottle).

Modela-Milling Machine#

The small milling machine was used for manufacture a fabduino for controlling the stepper motors.


Our Fab Drinker combines the use of all machines available in the Fab Lab Esan. In these images we see the assembly of main structure that contain (Rotating base, rectangular base and upper base) some parts were united with the couplings that was made of PLA.

It was needed to sand the MDF pieces because there was a mistake in the tolerance for the press fit. The coupling was attached to the stepper motor and the roller bearing that permit the gyre. For the bra of the bottle (made in 3d print with press fit) that was united with the coupling. To avoid friction, we used ball caster wheels that was made in 3d print and were united with the rotating base. For this part, It helped us unite the use of m3 bolts.

Electronics and Sofware#

For the electronics parts the instructor helped Mayra. The components used for this assignment were - Fabduino - Motor controlling board - Buttons - LED light

The code of the programming can be separated in 5 parts: - Part 1: Installing Library and Setting Constants The library “Stepper.h” helps the uset to control stepper motors in a easy way. Beside that, the objects motor1 and motor2 are created for direct control of the motors

The next video shows the result of the electronic and code with the mechanical structure.

For Mayra documentation, please click here