Week assignments

  • Sketch your final project idea
  • Describe what it will do and who will use it

About my final project

Many games are now videogames. Even old classical games are becoming video-played. From one side, I see it as a good thing : it allows me to play with my friends all around the world. From the other side, it bothers me : I now have to play on a small, immaterial, touch-screen.
Chess is the perfect example : Firstly, chess sets are often beautifull pieces, secondly, large chessboard helps to improve your visualization of the game.
The idea is to provide a well-documented fabacademy final project that can inspire anyone to develop his own connected game with no screen.

The chessboard is able to detect piece moves and to send a signal to the player to know the move of his opponent. It is connected by bluetooth to a smartphone which send the moves to a open-source chess website lichess.

The sketch given above specify sensors and signals as well as communications methods.

first sketch of my final project;