Embedded Networking and Communications

Programming an nRF24L01

This week, the assignment is to send a message between a transmitter and a receiver. I used two nRF24L01 modules, one as a transmitter, and the other as a receiver.
First, I connected the modules to the Arduino board. I had one UNO and one Leonardo available. I used the below reference to connect, as well as this SPI library (Second screenshot)

In both cases, I connected CSN to #8 and CE to #9.

I connected the first arduino and started programming it as a transmitter:

and the second one as a receiver. (Keep in mind that port and board should be adjusted as this is a Leonardo board)

I then went to the serial monitar. Although I couldn't show the "Hello World" text, the timestamp shows that it was correctly programmed.

This shows that there was something wrong with the transmitter, possibly in the connections.


Transmitter's Code

Receiver's Code

Copyright © Reeman Bustami 2019