Week 18: Invention, intellectual property, and Income


Work to be done

  • Develop a plan for dessemination of the final project.


It important to licenses your work whether you commercialise it or distribute it freely, cause it helps setting guidelines on how your work should be used and/or distributed.
Since all the project developed in FabAcademy are public accessible, am going to explain the mostly used licenses and choose on for all the work I have done in FabAcademy.

Most used licenses:
  • GPL
  • Apache
  • MIT


This is the mostly used license in software and other open source projects. The main reason is the mostly used its because it forces anyone who uses the software/work to keep the same license on the improvement they will make to the software/work.
This reason is good its because it create the spirit of sharing knowledge and saves time others who want to improve the work.


This license it open source your work but doesn't forces others who will use your work for something else to open theirs.
When using any work licensed under MIT license you are encouraged to open source your work but not forces to.


The Apache license is a permissive free software license, its version 2.0 requires the preservation of the copyright notice and disclaimer.
The Apache license is like other free software license, which means it allows the user of the software the freedom to use the software for any purpose, to distribute it, to modify it, and to distribute modified versions of the software, under the terms of the license, without concern for royalties.

I choosed to use the GPL license because it is the mosty used and it encourages to share technology.


For generating from the projects I made I plan tho sell hardware built, and publish the software and the design online for anyone who wants to use them or improve them.
The project am working on include data collection, which I can monetize by analysing them for clients.