Week 19: Project development


What does it do?

It is a sanitizing tunnel that can be used to decontaminate cloth or object that might be carrying a virus.

Who's done what beforehand?

In this

What did you design?

I designed a controlling system which activates the pump to sprays disinfectant liquid for sanitizing people's cloth and items.

What materials and componets were used?

The tunnel is made in MDFs and for the electronic system I used motion sensor to detect when someone is going to pass through the tunnel, and pump which pushes the disinfectant liquid in the spraying nozel.

Where did they come from?

All materials and components used were bought in the local market and in our Fab Lab.

What parts and systems were made?

I assembled the tunnel and made a controlling system for switching on and off the pump.

What worked? What didn't?

Everything I planned worked very well.

How was it evaluated?

I evaluated my work part by part as I separated them.

  • Assembled tunnel part

  • Pumping system

  • Electronic control sytem