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1. Principles and practices


Our class began at 19:30 IST on Jan 16 2018. We were given introduction on the present scenario in the field of Digital Fabrication. Professor Niel explained how the future will be altered by bringing technology to a personal level. We were told to select a possible final project.

Selection of Final Project -Total Station Custom made

I decided to build a Total Station instrument for surveying purpose. The basic principle of Total Staion is that by sending a modulated Electro-magnetic (EM) beam from one transmitter at the master station to a reflector at the remote station and receiving it back at the master station. The instrument measures slope distance between transmitter and receiver by modulating the continuous carrier wave at different frequencies, and then measuring the phase difference at the master station between the outgoing and the incoming signals. Suitable sensors can be employed for transmission and receiving of EM wave. An accelerometer sensor can be used for measuring horizontal angles. The data obtained from these sensors can be fed to the microcontroller for its processing.

Schematic Sketch

Signals in and out of phase

Equation for computing distance

References and Image Credits

Principle EDM