Week 6:

3D printing:

as usual on this course every week we learn something new , for me specially this week, totally new to me , I learnt about the subtractive and additive manufacturing , so I spent nearly one week to decide what should I print to see the difference between the additive and subtractive however I took my idea from a ball bearing , so I decide to print a chamber that contains balls that free to move inside , by doing this I believe I will meet the requirements of this week assignment , to be honest in the beginning I started to try the AutoCAD to draw some I DEAs but I felt that it will not show the difference ,
so I started to think about another idea , and I end with ball bearing , but to show the difference I design it as a balls inside a chamber to hold it , I choose fusion 360 , so I get used to it in future and I believe that it is easier to open it in CURA later on.

it took me I while to figure out the best way to do a 3d design and save as STL file so I can open it with CURA , as shown in the screen shots I used several tools to draw my object such as :

1- draw a sketch 2D
2- extrude
3- make a hole
4- move
5- combine
6- circular pattern and etc..

               you will find the files on the bottom of the page .         

so to save it into STL file you should press make in the tool bar the 3D print , then it will show a small window and it will ask you to select the object you want to save , after selection , it depend on which software you want to use , I used CURA , so I choose cure on the print utility .

and now it opened in CURA but it not merged to gather , so all what I did I select them all then right click , and I choose merge option . and it’s merge , then I rotate the object 90 degrees so it will set on the bed with larger area which will make it faster and safer .

final step in CURA before going to the printer , I should choose the parameters that I need , which I know a bout it when I experience it with the group assignment , I set the profile and the layer height , however I did not change the wall thickness I believe it is enough , for the infill density , it depend how strong you want your object , so because it was a first test , I just put 20 % , however for the temperature I believe it depend on the material that you will use , for me I choose two material in my printing , so in my extruder 1 I choose PLA for the main objects which are the race and the balls , and the second extruder I choose PVA for the support , I choose for the support because it is water soluble,

so after all it is ready to save the file into the hard drive and take it to the printer and start the print


but unfortunately after the printing is done I found out that the balls were not printed well because of the support and the PVA was melted so my printing was not that good , I didn’t figure it out way the PVA was melted , but I am thinking that it may be the wet weather effected on it , so I will try to print it again with some covers and I will see the results .

3D scaning:

for the 3D scanning . we did it as a group , so we scan some of the object and foods by using sense scanning . it is easy to use , when you open the software you have to choose if you want to scan an object or a person and the you will choose the size of it .

So I choose the object and medium size , and I used my cap for scanning I putted my cap on a moving chair so I can move my object easily in a circular motion, how ever in the picture below you can see the green rectangular shape and it’s mean the object is detected, so after seeing this shape I pressed start scanning , then I started to rotate my object slowly, to get scanned properly

after making sure that the full object are scanned . I pressed next , and I used crop option and erase to clean up the extras and keep my desired object , then I saved it as STL file .

Group assignment :

I was not on the lab when they did the group assignment on week 1 , but I tried to catch up with EIDHA and Zubair , we tried the ULTIMAKER 2+ instead of ultimaker 3 extended that they used , so we put the same options but with different printer , to see the deference between the printed objects , you will find out more about it in our Group Page.

Forms lab :

from my side I did some extra testing by using form labs 2, so I used the medal design that I used in week10, and printed with form 2 printer with clear resin , however I did like the finishing and how accurate it was .


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