Applications And Implications

Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered

What will it do?

Set of devices detect if the diver underwter and breathing from his air tankor no. if no for 15 seconds, A visible lamp will be switched to alert the partners. If there is no reset to the system for 60 seconds, the solenoid valve will be activated to release air for BCD inflation. and the diver will go to surface of the water automatically /h5>

Who's done what beforehand??

The previous devices do not have the possibility of alert for cases of fainting or hallucinations, since the victim cannot basically seek help unless the colleague saw him and detect unusual actions that indicates the situation of the diver. So there is nothing similar

What materials and components will be used?

Where will they come from?

Battery and solenoid valve from local supplier and the rest is available in FabLab UAE

How much will they cost?

What parts and systems will be made?

What processes will be used?

3D printing using ABS Filament to make Water proof case for electronic equipments, Second Stage (Primary air Source) and water proof housinng for the micro switch and to print theInflation adapter. Moulding and casting to make The diaphragm for the micro switch. Laser cutting to cut seals for waterproof case cover and the daiphragm holder. digital fabrication to make the microcontroller.

What questions need to be answered?

It is prohibited to inflate the BCD under water at any case to avoid Pulmonary embolism when the air pressure in the diver's lungs becomes greater than the pressure surrounding it. This results from the diver's rise to his breath. When pressure loosens around him, the air expands in his lungs and causes rupture of the lungs. Decompresson sickness is a painful and dangerous condition caused by the formation of gas bubbles in the bloodstream and body tissues. The situation occurs when the atmospheric pressure of the body drops too quickly. these two cases may occur if the system activated under water. The question is can we rescue the diver automatically while we know there are some side effects may occur or leave him underware waiting for death??

How will it be evaluated?

The evaluation depends on how divers follow the scuba diving rules and rthe side effects of the system. In addition Some rules need to be modified to allow the system distribution as a final solution for the divers to be alive.