13. Applications and implications

This week, we had to propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered. What processes will be used?

Requirements for our final project: - should incorporate 2D and 3D design, - additive and subtractive fabrication processes, - electronics design and production, - embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming, - system integration and packaging - where possible, you should make rather than buying parts, we should make them - needs to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable

What will it do?

My final project idea is to create a real-time constellation chart using neopixels. Where ever anyone is in the world, they will be able to have a personal and physical constellation chart reflecting their own night sky. The chart will be split between the northern and southern hemispheres, and will project the main constellations in each of them depending on their location. If the user is in the USA, my device will show the main constellations from the northernhemisphere and vice versa.

Who’s done what beforehand?

Mr. Gershenfeld introduced me to Amanda Ghassaei’s website where she is creating orreries to physically represent the solar system. I will look through her work about physical models as a jumping off point.

What will you design?

I will design the frame and screen of the box, any microcontroller board(s) necessary, and also the small LEDs which will model neopixels.

What materials and components will be used?

I plan to use plywood for the outer box itself and acrylic for the screen. While I know that I want to use small LEDs like neopixels (maybe a neopixel grid), I do not specifically know much after that. I plan to use a photoresistor to make the lights only show up when it is dark out. As of now, I am not quite sure how I plan to identify the constellations from the northern and southern hemispheres, but if I decide to use WiFi, I plan to use the esp8266 to retreieve info from the internet.

Where will they come from?

Our lab at school has many components, but if we do not have a piece, I will look at adafruit, digikey, and amazon. I’ll also ask my teachers to see if they have reccomendations for sites to look at.

How much will they cost?

I do not have a concise number right now, but I plan to make the whole project under $100, although I do not even think I will reach $50.

What parts and systems will be made?

I am planning to make as much of the parts I need as I can. I will build the outer frame, the screen, and construct the inner electric systems, however not the parts themselves.

What processes will be used?

  • Fusion360: to design the outer frame and screen

  • CNC: The frame will be cut on our ShopBot

  • 3D printing: covers for the electronics so that they are not exposed

  • Laser Cutter: for the acyrlic screen

  • Electronics: design boards in EAGLE and mill them using the program Bantam

  • Embedded Programming: Arduino or Atmel Studio IDE

  • Input device: photoresistor, possible component that connects to wifi for the constellations

  • Output device: LEDs

What questions need to be answered?

  • how am I going to get the board to retrieve the constellations?

  • will I use location, internet, or wifi?

  • what components will I need once I’ve figured out the second question?

  • how do APIs work?

  • what are APIs?

  • how can I implement APIs into my project?

  • is there a star tracking API available?

  • will I have to build an app or can I construct everything to function with the box only?

How will it be evaluated?

It will be evaluated by its ability to display 4 constellations in either the northern or southern hemisphere,depending on the user’s location.