Exercise 1. πŸ“ Principles and Practices; Project Management πŸ“

At the end of this exercise, I should be able to:
1. Utilise version control (gitlab) as repository.
2. Describe and document the steps for version control protocols.
3. Use HTML to create my personal website.
4. Describe and document how to use website development tools (I selected Sublime and Seamonkey).

I had this question at the start of this week "Why document the work and push to personal website?"
After going through the first 4 weeks of the FabAcademy journey, now I understand the importance of documenting the work/processes real time and uploading them to website.
a. If I don't document real time, i will forget what I did previously and it will be challenging for me to recall. What I did in the previous week will be used in the subsequent weeks and for the final project.
b. If I don't document real time, the following weeks where I need to reapply what I have learnt, I will not be able to repeat the same steps/process.
c. If I don't upload to a website, I will not be able to see/refer easily of my own work and also for me to refer to my peers or past students work in Fabacademy. It is all about learning from each other and building on what others have done.

Version control using Gitlab (To do only the first time)πŸ“‚

β€’ For the Fab Academy, Gitlab is used as the default repository.
β€’ Below is the short video on what is Git

β€’ I installed gitbash in my windows PC and follow the tutorial steps in the fab academy site.
β€’ The mistake I did in generating the ssh key is shown below.
I typed Noelsshkey and as the result it was not saved as id_rsa.pub. hence the message below (no such file or directory).

β€’ I created another ssh key and leave it blank at that step and then the issue resolved.

β€’ In the gitlab account (gitlab.fabcloud.org) given, there were already files added consisting of markdown (.md) files for website template.
β€’ To pull the files in the Gitlab repository into my local PC, I follow the tutorial steps in the fab academy site by creating a new directory (fabacademy) in my local PC and change directory (cd) in gitbash.

Developing the Personal Website using HTMLπŸ•Έ

β€’ In the Fab Academy site, there’s a template based on html and css provided.
β€’ I downloaded the template given and used Sublime and SeaMonkey to edit and change the html scripts.
β€’ The tutorial resources in w3schools.com were used to quickly learn using examples. This is the starting only, overtime I will learn more and apply them into the site.
β€’ Below are the 2 video tutorials (learn html in 12 minutes) that I found very useful for a noob in HTML like me =)

β€’ Command to make the images can resize according to the display used (width is 60% of display width):

      		width="60%" height="auto"

β€’ I also learnt the command to change the font color from default black to other color.

      		font color=""

Below is the both commands in sublime interface:

β€’ Specifically I learnt how to insert hyperlink using the command shown in the figure below.
β€’ The email hyperlink only works when the PC has a default email application like outlook.

Version control using Gitlab (add, commit, push)πŸ“‚

β€’ After having all the files for personal website ready, the files must be put into the gitlab repository.
β€’ I follow the tutorial steps.
β€’ Command: git add --all or another command: git add .

β€’ Command: git commit -m "init website"
β€’ Note that -m "" must be filled, else the command does not work

β€’ Command: git push
β€’ To see the static website on gitlab, first the .gitlab-ci.yml file must created by:
1. Add new file into this directory
2. Select a template type: .gitlab-ci.yml
3. Apply a template: HTML
4. Commit changes
β€’ The static website link can be seen under the side bar > settings > pages.

What I learnt about Version control Gitlab

β€’ Git clone is to pull the files in the repository into the local PC.
β€’ Git add is to add the files in the local PC into the Gitbash (intermediary step).
β€’ Git commit –m β€œβ€ is to state that the files in gitbash are ready to be pushed into the gitlab repository server.
β€’ Git push is to push the files in the gitbash into the gitlab repository server.
Summary of the Gitlab four stages: