About Screenshots

Screenshots on the Mac

In OSX screenshots of windows can be done with โ‡งโŒ˜4, then pressing the Spacebar, then a click takes a screenshot of the window - including shadows. These screenshots are by default in PNG, change the default to JPG with the following:

defaults write com.apple.screencapture type JPG

Screenshots and Transparency

Upgrading (and moving) to a computer running OSX 11.2.1 (coming from 10.15.7), and changing the default screenshot format to JPG, is resulting in the following:

Turning Off Shadows in Screenshots

To take a screenshot of windows and elements without shadows there are two options:

defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool FALSE

Check the status of com.apple.screencapture:

defaults read com.apple.screencapture
    "disable-shadow" = 0;
    "last-analytics-stamp" = "636440406.505895";
    "last-messagetrace-stamp" = "635148504.597851";
    "last-selection-display" = 0;
    style = selection;
    type = JPG;
    video = 1;

Import Screenshots Automatically to the OSX Photos.app

Folder Actions is a feature of macOS that lets you associate AppleScript scripts with folders. Reference

  1. Open the Screenshot.app. (Find it in Applications/ Utilities)
  1. Set the Screenshot Folder in Options to your desired Folder. I am using a Folder on Dropbox, but any is fine.
  1. Open Folder Actions Setup.app from System/Library/CoreServices /Applications/
  1. Enable Folder Actions and add the Screenshot Folder on the left.

  2. Add a Workflow on the right, and click to edit it.

  1. This opens Automator.
  1. Add the Import Files into Photos Actions
  1. That's it!