
this is week 2 page.

Group assignment:
Individual assignment:

Group assignment:

Step 1 ( Download the files )

Step 2: prepare the file on mods

Open MIT Mods to create the toolpath files.

Right Click then –» Prgoram –» Open Server Program –» SRM-20 PNG

this dpends on the machine you have and the file format , I have monoFab SRM-20 and the file format for the traces are in PNG


then Click select png file


Once import the png file, select the tool diameter (depends on the milling bits we use).


When Yuo Click to One of this tow option the default setting will be passed to the second module


Cut depth and maximum depth suppose to be the thickness of copper, so we set it into 0.1. Usually 0.4mm for the interial content and 0.8 mm for the outline to cut the PCB off. 0.4 mm milling bits should use offset number 4 and 0.3 mm one could use offset number 5-6.


Turn on Roland Modela and the computer and open VPanel for SRM-20 A nice tip is to warm the spindle for 10 min at mid Rpm before using it.

Step 3: Set the X/Y/Z zeros

Decide where to set the origin on your board.It depends on where you taped your board. When you have choosen the position click on Set origin X/Y in Vpanel


Set Z zero,the Z is slightly more complicated

Move the Z slowly with the control panel around 3-5 mm above the PCB plate. Now we are going to do the Z manually by loosing the collect screw and land the endmill on the surface. Slowly loosen the mill bit with an allen wrench so that it drops gently to the surface of your board.

step02 step02

Step 7: Send the traces!

Click “Cut” on the control panel. A new window will appear where you will select your traces cutting file, now click Output and the machine should start

step02 step02

this week is the least creative week till now , we have to follow the instruction in order to make in -circuit programmer

which programmer to use

since i decided to start my electronic journey with attiny45 due to its bulk availability in our lab, it will be the best choice to program it with FabTinyISP



The FabTinyStar is yet another version of an AVR ISP programmer/board that can be produced in a fab lab using a milled PCB and readily available components. The project is based on the efforts of many people. For more history of the FabTinyStar and the people who have contributed to it, please refer to Zaerc’s FabTinyStar page.


This version (the “FabTinyISP Minimal” is a minor revision to Zaerc’s version 0.3 (Bas), with small modifications:

The reset switch and target power switch have been removed. The reset switch adds cost and isn’t incredibly useful on an ISP programmer, as the target can be easily reset through a software command. The target power swtich has been removed as providing power to the target through the programming port is usually discouraged. Users who understand the implications of this are welcome to build one of the FTS designs with the switch. The copper ground pour has been removed and replaced with individual ground traces; this allows novice solderers to mill away more of the copper. All components solder to clearly defined pads on both sides. The extra pads connecting to the USB data lines were removed; this version is targeted solely at being an ISP programmer rather than being a general-purpose tiny45 board. The PTC thermistor was removed; as this part currently isn’t in the inventory most users would build it with a 0Ω resistor anyway. As the option to provide target power has been removed, it should be much more difficult to create a condition where the polyfuse would be needed. The Makefile has been replaced. Targets for programming the fuses on an ATtiny45 have been added. The original Makefile also results in problems on case-insensitive filesystems (i.e. Windows). This page describes how to build, program, test, and debug the board.


One possible point of confusion in this document is that the device you’re building will become an AVR programmer, but you also need a working AVR programmer in the process of building it. Your board refers to the new programmer that you are building. Programmer refers to the working programmer that you’ll use to initialize yours. At the end of this document, your board becomes a programmer.

PCB Fabrication

Download the PNG files for the traces and the board outline:

The Altium source files are available here if you want to modify the design.

Since there are different processes for milling on different machines, this is not described here. Please refer to a PCB milling reference that’s applicable to the equipment in your shop.

The finished PCB should look something like this:

fab isp programmer

Step 1 obtain the files: Find or Design a Circuit Board

make sure to download the Traces and Outline Cutout and save them in your computer as png

Step 2: MODS - Setup (1/64)

MODS is the new FABMODULES it more capable and works by connecting nodes to develop each process. You can customize you own workflows by loading different modules or use an already precompiled program.

In our case we are going to use a precompiled program and add a module to save automatically in our computer instead of connecting directly to the machine.

Open mods in your browser recommended firefox/chrome

step 1
step02 step02

step02 Done!

Step 3: MODS - Traces (1/64)

Open your traces image file (This is the one with lines that will form the wires between your components.)

In module Roland SRM-20 milling machine Origin

x0(mm) - 0 y0(mm) - 0 z0(mm) - 0 These x0,y0,z0 are for setting up an offset from the origin save in zjopg - 12 This is the z distance that the mill will go up between the air travellings Speed - 4 or 3 mm/s for new end mills x/y/x home is the parking position after finishing the cut

Step 4: MODS - Outcut/Holes (1/32)

Open your traces image file (This is the one with lines that will form the wires between your components.)

Go to READ PNG MODULE SELECT- PNG FILE - select your traces image

step02 step02

The file will be saved automatically into your download folder. x0(mm) - 0 y0(mm) - 0 z0(mm) - 0 zjopg - 12 Speed - 0.5 Click “calculate”(you will see the path calculating), when the process will finish it will “automatically be saved into your downloads folder”


Turn on Roland Modela and the computer and open VPanel for SRM-20 A nice tip is to warm the spindle for 10 min at mid Rpm before using it.

Step 6: Set the X/Y/Z zeros

Decide where to set the origin on your board.It depends on where you taped your board. When you have choosen the position click on Set origin X/Y in Vpanel


Set Z zero,the Z is slightly more complicated

Move the Z slowly with the control panel around 3-5 mm above the PCB plate. Now we are going to do the Z manually by loosing the collect screw and land the endmill on the surface. Slowly loosen the mill bit with an allen wrench so that it drops gently to the surface of your board.

step02 step02

Step 7: Send the traces!

Click “Cut” on the control panel. A new window will appear where you will select your traces cutting file, now click Output and the machine should start

step02 step02

Step 8: Send the outcut/holes!


Step 9: prepare solder station


Step 10: prepare the component and add glue to the pcb


Step 11: fter soldering Take a Hero shot



after finishing the solder i connected the fabtiny isp to the computer but the led was not functioning, it tourn out that i inverted the direction of the Anod and cathod

Test if the Led is ON

pluged it in the usp hub and the Led is on which means that every thing is ok now and ready to start programming it step02


To programm the programmer i followed this tutorial Using the GNU AVR toolchain on Windows 10 since my operation system is windows 10

Step 1: Download and install git

you can download git for windows from here (https://git-scm.com/download/win).

this step i have already done it before in Project Management week and made a Toturial on how to download and install git

project managment thumbnail
Tutorial 02

learn how to install and getting started with git


Step 2: Install the Atmel GNU Toolchain

Download the Atmel AVR Toolchain for Windows from Atmel’s site and run the installer. When asked where to extract the files, click the “…” button and navigate to C:\Program Files, then click Extract.


Step 3: Install GNU Make

Download Gnu Make and launch the installer. Accept the default location for the installation. You can choose whether or not you want an icon in your start menu.

 Install GNU Make

Step 4: Install avrdude

Download avrdude . Unzip the archive, and copy the archive inside to C:\Program Files.

Step 5: Update your PATH

Now we need to tell Windows where to locate all of the tools you’ve just installed when you type their names on the command line. Go to the Start menu and open the Control Panel, then go to System. From the left pane, choose “Advanced System Settings”. Under the Advanced tab, click the “Environment Variables” button.

 Update your PATH

Under User variables, select “Path” and click the Edit button. If you don’t already have a variable called “Path”, click the New button to create it, enter “Path” without the name, and fill out the value as described below.

 Update your PATH

The Edit window that pops up is unfortunately different depending on whether you are creating a new variable or only have one item in your path, or if you have multiple items in your path already. In the first two cases, you just get a textbox for a value. In the third case, you get a list of values. Either way, you want to add the following three values. If you get the list, add them as separate items (see screenshot below). If you get the textbox, enter them separated by semicolons. Make sure that they are entered exactly or Windows won’t be able to find the programs.

The three values to add are:

 Update your PATH

Click OK on all of the windows you’ve opened.

Step 6: Install Drivers for your Programmer

This tutorial assumes you are going to use a FabISP, FabTinyStarISP, or other USBtiny-based programmer. If you are using one of the official Atmel programmers instead, the easiest way to get the drivers is to install Atmel Studio.


The USBtiny programmers use a generic libusb driver, but Windows 10’s driver signing policy makes the installation more complicated. Fortunately, there’s a tool that helps with this. Download Zadig and launch it. Plug in your programmer, and select the “USBtinySPI” device in the list. (If it doesn’t show up, go to the Options menu and click “List All Devices”. The driver you want to install (to the right of the green arrow) is either libusb-win32 or libusb0. Click the “Install Driver” button. You should only have to do this once.

For me this step it didnt go well, USBtinySPI didnt show up from the drag down window evern when i clicked list all Devices

Step 7: Sanity Check.

Everything is now installed. Let’s check that it all works.

Go to the start menu and search for “Git Bash” and start it. When you see instructions telling you to open your terminal in other tutorials, this is the terminal window you should use.

Check to make sure that the commands we installed work okay:


Type make -v and press enter. You should see: GNU Make 3.81 Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. … and so on.


If you get a “command not found” error instead, re-check your installation of make and your path variable setting for typos.


Type avr-gcc –version and press enter. You should see: avr-gcc.exe (AVR_8_bit_GNU_Toolchain_3.5.4_1709) 4.9.2 … and so on.  avr-gcc

If you get a “command not found” error instead, re-check your installation of the Atmel toolchain and your path variable setting for typos.


Type avrdude To See if its installed in your system it sholud return the version of avrdude


avrdude usbtiny

Connect your programmer to a USB port and type: avrdude -c usbtiny -p t45 and press enter. You should see:

avrdude.exe: initialization failed, rc=-1 … This means that avrdude successfully found your programmer, but failed to talk to a target board (expected because we don’t have anything conencted to the programmer right now.)

If instead you see:

avrdude.exe: Error: Could not find USBtiny device (0x1781/0xc9f) check your USB driver installation (the Zadig steps).

If you get a “command not found” error, check your installation of avrdude and your path variable.

And this is what heppend with me its the step with Zadig Software, so instate of wasting time i decided to do it with arduino software

programming ATtiny45 With Arduino as isp

first you need to have Arduino ide you can download it from here depends on your operation system choose the one suitable with you


programming ATtiny45 With Arduino as isp

i foloowed this toturial to upload the sketch using

add attiny board

First you want to open File > Preferences.


Then, at the bottom of the pop up menu where you see “Additional Boards Manager URLs” you want to copy and paste “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damellis/attiny/ide-1.6.x-boards-manager/package_damellis_attiny_index.json" (without the quotation marks).


Now click OK.

Navigate to Tools > Board > Board Manager. calculate

Scroll down to the bottom and you should find “attiny”. Click the install button and the words “Installed” should appear when the task is complete.

To confirm that you have added support for the boards, navigate to Tools > Board and you should see ATtiny at the bottom of the list.

Setup Arduino As ISP

Navigate to File > Examples > ArduinoISP. Open the sketch and upload it to your Arduino.


choose the board attiny microcontrollers attiny 25/45/85


choose the processor to attiny 45


choose the internal clock 8 MHZ


burn bootloader


Download the files

Original tutorial by:

Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab By Xinao Wang, Dean, and Virginia McCreary | v1.0 | 10.2014

Updated by Xinao W on 5Oct2014.

Remixed/Updated by Eduardo Chamorro, Fab Lab Seoul 01.2017