Hi! Welcome to My Final Project.

Here you can learn all about the steps I took to make my final project.

What Is It?

My final project was originally supposed to be an educational arcade game, a built body and game and all, but unfortunately, I had spent too much time on the game design and I couldn’t get it to work, and so I started brain storming for a new project. I finally settled down on this project.
My final project is a table lamp with the stars’ constellations on it, the user could pick a choose any constellation they would like to light as an educational tool about astronomy. The cover of the lamp is manually rotatable so the user could choose where they would like to show.

Physical Components

First of all, This is the BOM I used:
PLA Filament 0.07 JD/gram
Swedish Wood (4cm thick) 28 jd
atmega 328p 4 JD
LED 0.1JD*117
Wires -
LCD 3.5jd
Rotary Encoder 2 jd
Ardiono Nano 4jds
Mosfets 2JD*unit
Pin Headers -
miscellaneous components -
I started working by downloading images of the northern and the southern sky, I used Fusion360 to add the images as canvas and drew circles in place of each star so that I would then project each sketch on a half sphere and extrude cut it to make the holes where the LEDs will take place. This plan was proven inefficient after some time, and so I had to look for something else.
Then I continued using Fusion360 by making a sphere with the holes in place of each star in it, I made room for 15 constellations, containing 117 stars on the globe . I then prepared the file for 3d printing using Cura and Ultimaker +2. You can get more information on what each setting on Cra means by checking out my 3d printing and scanning week. These are the settings I used for the globe:

After that, I colored the dome, and I also added the constellations in tape so I could know where to add which constellation.

Also for 3d printing, I designed and printed this handle to fit in the encoder to make controlling of the rotary head easier.

Next, I made the rotating base of the globe and the fixed base I had designed earlier using the ShopBot. I started by uploading the projection of each part on vCarve. Let's start with the rotating base as it's only one sided. After Uploading th DXF file, I added the dimensions and all, and moved on to select the toolpaths.

The first toolpath I added was the inner pocket, I clicked on toolpaths, chose pocket, and then added those settings:

One by one, I added the rest of the settings, leaving the outer cut last to ensure the piece is fixed well and isn't moving.

Next, I uploaded the other piece, I dealt with it as two half and worked on the side that has the 2d pockets the same way I did above:

What I did next is that I flipped the wooden piece, but I maintained the center in place by drawing a square on the machine's bed before removing the piece and then putting in back flipped in the same square. I also used 2 new toolpaths as shown below:

And these are the settings for each one:

Note here that I used tabs, as I don't want the peice to fall or move since the first half is already cut.

This is how the model looks, notice that it's the rear half that's showing:

refer to my make something big assignment to learn more about using vCarve, ShopBot, its calibration and woodwork! You can download the vCarve files for the fixed base from here and here and for the rotating base from here. This is how my bases turned out to be:

and for the final physical piece, I made the casing for the screen and encoder to make it look better packaged. I made it using laser cutting on acrylic.


For the electronics, I had 2 boards: one of them is the ATmega board controlling the encoder and the screen, and the other one contains the mosfets and the Arduino nano. You can download the schematics and the board of the ATmega board, and you can also download the schematics and the board of the mosfets.These are the settings I used for the mosfet's traces:

and as for the holes and outercut, I changed the process from the top left to PCB outline (1/32) and used these settings:

I repeated the traces settings for the other boards, and same for the outer cut's and holes' of the other board. On the electronics design week, I talked about what each setting refers to, you can check it out for more details on Fab Modules
I made them using the SRM-20 milling machine, before I soldered the components on each board. This board is the ATmega board that is connected to the encoder and the LCD

and this is the board that contains the mosfets and the Arduino Nano, I learned about mosfets, they are some sort of a gate, when they recieve a signal, they open their gates allowing the current to pass through to the LEDs

I then soldered the parts on each board,

Something that I did on the Arduino Nano board is that after I soldered all the parts, I taped the board because it was going to go inside the dome, and althou everything in there was insulated with hot silicone, I prefered to double it to make sire no accidents will occur.

On the table below, I added each constellation's required resistor:
Pin Number Constellation Name Code Assigned Letter Corresp. Hex Number Number of LEDs Resistor Value OHM
 A2  LYNX A  65  7  16
 Leo Minor  B  66  1 100  
 A0  Aries  C  67  4  25
 D13  Pisces  D  68  2  50
 D12  Pegasus  E  69  18  16
 D11  Lyra  F  70  5  20
 D10  Camelopardalis  G  71  4  25
 D9  Draco  H  72  15  16
 D8  Cephus  I  73  5  20
 D7  Ursa Minor  J  74  7  16
 D6  Hercules  K  75  14  16
 D5  Ursa Major  L  76  15  16
 D4  Corona Borealis  M  77  7  16
 D3  Bootes  O  79  8  16
 D2  Cassiopeia  P  80  5  20

Next I soldered the star constellations together. I did that by connecting the number of LEDs on each constellations together in parallel, and left the + and - on one side longer, I added the required resistor to each constellation (as stated in the table above), in order to connect them to the Vin and GND on the mosfets board.


I assigned a different letter for each constellation, This letter will be sent from the ATmega board through i2c communication to the Arduino Nano which will recieve it, and depending on which number it is, it will send the signal to a mosfet to allow the current to pass to the LED group chosen.

I programmed each board with the function I want it to have, This is the code I used for the ATmega board. I found a code online, you can check it from here. The tutorial has a menu shown on a screen and a rotatry encoder. The code was complicated, and I had to do A LOT of manipulation to get it to work= according to my needs. To be honest, There was alot of trial and error in making this code, the tutorial had the video of the code working, but the code itself didn't say what each line does, and so I had to figure it out for my self.

Also, in this code I added the constellations names to the menu, and I assigned a different letter (which then turned Hex) to each one.


#include <OneButton.h>
#include <Encoder.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LCD.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Wire.h>

const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = 8, d5 = 7, d6 = 6, d7 = 5;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);

long oldPosition  = 0;
int encoderDTpin = 3;
int encoderCLKpin = 2;
Encoder myEnc(encoderDTpin, encoderCLKpin);

int buttonPin = 4;
OneButton button0(buttonPin, true);

// First number in array = amount of menu items in root layer. Same goes for next layer. (Example: first value in array is 4. This means Layer 0 has 4 menu items. Layer 1 has only 2 menu items.)
// First number infront of menu text is the layer number that item points to. (Example: 1_Rotation points to Layer 1)
// Second number infront of menu text is the number of the value connected to that menu item in the values array. (Example: 15Direction points to position 5 in the values array)

String menu[] = {"15","056Lynx","056Leo Minor","056Aries","056Pisces","056Pegasus","056Lyra","056Camelopardalis","056Draco","056Cephus","056Ursa Minor","056Hercules","056Ursa Major","056CronaBorealis","056Bootes","056Cassiopeia"};      

// TYPES, 1 numeric / 2 character value range
// 1 - type,value,increments,min,max
// 2 - type,starting value in options array,lowest value options array,max value options array
int values[] = {1,11,25,50,1450, //0-4 WATCH1
                2,2,0,2,         //5-8
                1,600,25,75,600, //9-13
                1,11,25,50,1450, //14-18 WATCH2
                2,2,0,2,         //19-22
                1,600,25,75,600, //23-27
                1,11,25,50,1450, //28-32 WATCH3
                2,2,0,2,         //33-36
                1,600,25,75,600, //37-41
                1,11,25,50,1450, //42-46 WATCH4
                2,2,0,2,         //47-50
                1,600,25,75,600, //51-55
                2,4,3,4,         //56-59 WATCH1 ACTIVE
                2,4,3,4,         //60-63 WATCH2 ACTIVE
                2,4,3,4,         //64-67 WATCH3 ACTIVE
                2,4,3,4};        //68-71 WATCH4 ACTIVE
String options[] = {"CW","CCW","MIX",

// Custom character for LCD.
byte cursor[8] = {

byte watch[8] = {

int currentType = 0;
int value = 0;
int numIncr = 0;
int Min = 0;
int Max = 0;

int currentLayer = 0;
int lastLayer = 99;
int currentLength = menu[0].toInt();
int currentPosition = 0;
int currentSelect = 1;
int currentChange = 0;
String currentPress = "";
float currentlcdLayerFloat = 0;
int currentlcdLayer = 0;
int lastlcdLayer = 0;
int lcdUpdated = 0;
int currentLine = 0;
int cursorLayer = 0;
int cursorPosition = 0;
int valueLength = 0;

void setup() {

  Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)

  // Map rotary button to actions single and doubleclick.

  lcd.begin (16,2);

  // Create the custom character.
  lcd.createChar(0, cursor);
  lcd.createChar(1, watch);

  lcd.setCursor (2,0);  
  lcd.print("Hello stars!");

  // Set the select cursor on the first line.
  cursorLayer = 0;
  lcd.setCursor (0,cursorLayer);  


void loop() {
    // Listen to button presses.

    // Listen if the rotary encoder moves.
    // Print the LCD menu.


void singleClick() {

  // IF current layer number is the same as redirect layer number, we stay on the same layer
  // AND no item is selected in the menu
  // AND the selected item has a redirect to another layer
  if(currentLayer == menu[currentPosition + currentSelect].substring(0,1).toInt() && menu[currentPosition + currentSelect].substring(1,3) != "__" && currentPress == ""){
    currentPress = menu[currentPosition + currentSelect].substring(3);
    currentChange = menu[currentPosition + currentSelect].substring(1,3).toInt();
    Serial.println("Currentpress: " + currentPress); // send every constellation's assigned letter to the Arduino board

   if(currentPress == "Lynx")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("A");        // sends 1 byte

   if(currentPress == "Leo Minor")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("B");        // sends 1 byte

      if(currentPress == "Aries")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("C");        // sends 1 byte

  if(currentPress == "Pisces")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("D");        // sends 1 byte

   if(currentPress == "Pegasus")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("E");        // sends 1 byte

    if(currentPress == "Lyra")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("F");        // sends 1 byte
  if(currentPress == "Camelopardalis")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("G");        // sends 1 byte

 if(currentPress == "Draco")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("H");        // sends 1 byte

if(currentPress == "Cephus")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("I");        // sends 1 byte

   if(currentPress == "Ursa Minor")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("J");        // sends 1 byte

   if(currentPress == "Hercules")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("K");        // sends 1 byte

   if(currentPress == "Ursa Major")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("L");        // sends 1 byte
   if(currentPress == "CronaBorealis")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("M");        // sends 1 byte
   if(currentPress == "Bootes")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("O");        // sends 1 byte
   if(currentPress == "Cassiopeia")
     Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write("P");        // sends 1 byte

    currentType = values[currentChange];
    value = values[currentChange + 1];

    // Type select change is numeric
    if(currentType == 1){
      Min = values[currentChange + 3];
      Max = values[currentChange + 4];
      numIncr = values[currentChange + 2];
      Serial.println("Currentvalue: " + String(value));
      Serial.println("Increments: " + String(numIncr));
      Serial.println("Min: " + String(Min));
      Serial.println("Max: " + String(Max));

      valueLength = String(value).length();
    // Type select change is character range
    } else if(currentType == 2){
      Min = values[currentChange + 2];
      Max = values[currentChange + 3];

      Serial.println("Currentvalue: " + options[value]);
      Serial.println("Options: ");

      Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write(options[value].c_str());              // sends one byte

      for (int i=Min; i <= Max; i++){

      valueLength = options[value].length();


    cursorPosition = 15 - valueLength;

  // ELSE IF something is selected in the menu, and the button is pressed again. We deselect the item.  
  } else if(currentPress != ""){
    currentPress = "";
    currentChange = 0;

  // IF nothing is selected and nothing will be deselected, move to the redirect layer listed in the first position of the array.  
  } else {
    currentLayer = menu[currentPosition + currentSelect].substring(0,1).toInt();
    currentSelect = 1;
    currentlcdLayerFloat = 0;
    currentlcdLayer = 0;
    lastlcdLayer = 0;

    cursorLayer = 0;
    lcd.setCursor (0,cursorLayer);  

void rotary_check(){

  // Constantly read the position of the rotary encoder
  long newPosition = myEnc.read() / 4;

  // IF the new position of the encoder is different then the old position
  if (newPosition != oldPosition) {
    // IF nothing has been selected in the menu
    if(currentPress == ""){

      if(newPosition > oldPosition && currentSelect < currentLength){
        currentlcdLayerFloat = currentlcdLayerFloat + 0.5;
        currentlcdLayer = currentlcdLayerFloat;

        lcd.setCursor (0,cursorLayer);  
        Serial.println("> " + menu[currentPosition + currentSelect].substring(3));

      } else if (newPosition < oldPosition && currentSelect != 1){
        currentlcdLayerFloat = currentlcdLayerFloat - 0.5;
        currentlcdLayer = currentlcdLayerFloat;


        lcd.setCursor (0,cursorLayer);  
        Serial.println("> " + menu[currentPosition + currentSelect].substring(3));
      if(lastlcdLayer != currentlcdLayer){
        lcdUpdated = 0;
      lastlcdLayer = currentlcdLayer;      
      oldPosition = newPosition;

    // IF something has been selected in the menu, we are going to change the value of a menu item.
    } else if(currentPress != ""){

      lcd.setCursor(cursorPosition + 1,cursorLayer);
      // IF the new position is HIGHER then the old position
      if(newPosition > oldPosition){
        // IF the selected item has a change type that is NUMERIC.
        // AND the MAXIMUM of the selected item has not been reached. 
        // We change the value UPWARDS with the icrements listed in the array.
        // SAME applies for next ELSE IF, just for the change type character. And the next ELSE IF we just go down.
        if(currentType == 1 	&& value < Max){
            value = value + numIncr;
            values[currentChange + 1] = value;

            valueLength = String(value).length();
            cursorPosition = 15 - valueLength;
            lcd.setCursor(cursorPosition + 1,cursorLayer);

        if(currentType == 2 	&& value < Max){
            values[currentChange + 1] = value;

            valueLength = options[value].length();
            cursorPosition = 15 - valueLength;
            lcd.setCursor(cursorPosition + 1,cursorLayer);
      } else {
        if(currentType == 1 	&& value > Min){
          value = value - numIncr;
          values[currentChange + 1] = value;

          valueLength = String(value).length();
          cursorPosition = 15 - valueLength;
          lcd.setCursor(cursorPosition + 1,cursorLayer);

        if(currentType == 2 && value > Min){
            values[currentChange + 1] = value;

            valueLength = options[value].length();
            cursorPosition = 15 - valueLength;
            lcd.setCursor(cursorPosition + 1,cursorLayer);

      oldPosition = newPosition;
    } else {
      oldPosition = newPosition;

void lcdMenu(){
  if (lastLayer != currentLayer || lcdUpdated == 0){

    currentLength = menu[0].toInt();
    currentPosition = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < currentLayer; i++){
      currentPosition = (menu[currentPosition].toInt() + 1) + currentPosition;
      currentLength = menu[currentPosition].toInt();

    int tempPosition = currentPosition;
    if(currentlcdLayer != 0){
      currentPosition = currentPosition + (currentlcdLayer * 2);

    for (int i=1; i <	= 2; i++){
      lcd.setCursor (1,i - 1);  
      lcd.print(menu[currentPosition + i].substring(3));
      currentType = 0;
      value = values[menu[currentPosition + i].substring(1,3).toInt() + 1];
      String tempvalue = "";
      if(menu[currentPosition + i].substring(1,3) != "__" && menu[currentPosition + i].substring(1,3) != ""){
        currentType = values[menu[currentPosition + i].substring(1,3).toInt()];
        if(currentType == 1){
          lcd.setCursor (16 - String(value).length(),i - 1);
          tempvalue = " "+ String(value);
        }else if(currentType == 2){
          lcd.setCursor (16 - options[value].length(),i - 1);
          tempvalue = " "+ options[value];
      Serial.println(menu[currentPosition + i].substring(3) + tempvalue);
    currentPosition = tempPosition;
    lastLayer = currentLayer;
    lcdUpdated = 1;
    Serial.println("Layer " + String(currentLayer + 1));
    Serial.println("Layer length " + String(currentLength));
    Serial.println("Layer position " + String(currentPosition));

void currentValues(){

  Serial.println("Currentpress: " + currentPress);
  if(currentType == 1){
      Serial.println("Currentvalue: " + String(value));
      Serial.println("Increments: " + String(numIncr));
      Serial.println("Min: " + String(Min));
      Serial.println("Max: " + String(Max));
    } else if(currentType == 2){
      Serial.println("Currentvalue: " + options[value]);
      Serial.println("Options: ");
      for (int i=Min; i <= Max; i++){

void clearChar(int charPosition, int line){
  lcd.setCursor (charPosition,line);
  lcd.print(" ");

void clearLine(int line){
  lcd.setCursor (0,line);
  lcd.print("                ");

void clearMenu(){
  lcd.setCursor (1,0);
  lcd.print("               ");
  lcd.setCursor (1,1);
  lcd.print("               ");

void clearSelect(){
  lcd.setCursor (0,0);
  lcd.print(" ");
  lcd.setCursor (0,1);
  lcd.print(" ");

void cursorSelect(){
  switch (currentSelect){  // here You choose how you want the cruiser to move in each page, as in to move to each choice
          case 1:
            cursorLayer = 0;
          case 2:
            cursorLayer = 1;
          case 3:
            cursorLayer = 0;
          case 4:
            cursorLayer = 1;
          case 5:
            cursorLayer = 0;
          case 6:
            cursorLayer = 1;
          case 7:
            cursorLayer = 0;
          case 8:
            cursorLayer = 1;
          case 9:
            cursorLayer = 0;
          case 10:
            cursorLayer = 1;
          case 11:
            cursorLayer = 0;
          case 12:
            cursorLayer = 1;
          case 13:
            cursorLayer = 0;
          case 14:
            cursorLayer = 1;
          case 15:
            cursorLayer = 0;

void writeCursor(){

void clearValue(){
  for (int i = 16 - valueLength; i <= 16; i++){
        lcd.setCursor (i,cursorLayer);
        lcd.print(" ");

and this one is the code I uploaded on the Arduino nano. I found a code online that shows how to use I2C communication, and I edited it according to my needs, going back to the previous table, I aasigned the numbers of each group to a certain pin, and added the Y and N (yes and no) as on and off, and they Had the numbers 89 and 78 respectively. I also defined the pins from 2 to 16 as outputs, with each one connected to a certain constellation. This board Is called a slave reciever because it gets the signals from the master, which is the ATmega board with the encoder.

    // Wire Slave Receiver
// by Nicholas Zambetti <http://www.zambetti.com>

// Demonstrates use of the Wire library
// Receives data as an I2C/TWI slave device
// Refer to the "Wire Master Writer" ekample for use with this

// Created 29 March 2006

// This ekample code is in the public domain.

#include <Wire.h>
int k;
  int con;
int onoff;

void setup() {
  Wire.begin(8);                // join i2c bus with address #8
  Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent); // register event
  Serial.begin(9600);           // start serial for output
 pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(14, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(15, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(16, OUTPUT);


void loop() {


// function that ekecutes whenever data is received from master
// this function is registered as an event, see setup()
void receiveEvent(int howMany) {
  while (1 < Wire.available()) { // loop through all but the last
  char c = Wire.read(); // receive byte as a character
 // Serial.print(c);         // print the character
 int x  = Wire.read();    // receive byte as an integer
//Serial.println(k);         // print the integer


void test1()
if ((k >=65 && k<=77 )|| k==79 || k == 80)
{  con = k;
else if (k ==89 || k == 78)
{  onoff = k;

if (con == 65 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(16, HIGH);

if (con == 65 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(16, LOW);

if (con == 66 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(15, HIGH);

if (con == 66 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(15, LOW);

if (con == 67 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(14, HIGH);

if (con == 67 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(14, LOW);

if (con == 68 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

if (con == 68 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(13, LOW);

if (con == 69 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(12, HIGH);

if (con == 69 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(12, LOW);

if (con == 70 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(11, HIGH);

if (con == 70 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(11, LOW);

if (con == 71 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(10, HIGH);

if (con == 71 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(10, LOW);

if (con == 72 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(9, HIGH);

if (con == 72 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(9, LOW);

if (con == 73 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

if (con == 73 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(8, LOW);

if (con == 74 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(7, HIGH);

if (con == 74 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(7, LOW);

if (con == 75 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

if (con == 75 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(6, LOW);

if (con == 76 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(5, HIGH);

if (con == 76 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(5, LOW);

if (con == 77 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

if (con == 77 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(4, LOW);

if (con == 79 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

if (con == 79 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(3, LOW);

if (con == 80 && onoff == 89)
{ digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

if (con == 80 && onoff == 78)
{ digitalWrite(2, LOW);

Serial.print("                  ");
  int con=0;
int onoff=0;


Well, I know this is a hot mess, but at least it's hot!

First things first, I used hot silicine gun to put the constellations in place. I used the silicone for 2 reasons, to keep them in place, and to insulated all the conductive parts from the other ones, avoiding any accidents that could happen. after that, I tested each constellation to make sure I didn't break anything in this step.

And I also locked the parts of the encoder and screen in place:

so to recap all, I now have the components in each board, the wires of the LEDs ready, and the encoder/screen case ready to roll.

The lab closed, and so I head to a near coffee shop and went on with the assembly.

So, I started with the fixed base, I fixed the slip ring onto it. Then I added the rotating Base and through the middle hole I passed all the wires of the slip ring. on the slip ring, I connected 3 wires to the VCC of the plug on the arduino nano board, and 3 to the GND, and connected the 2 wires of the I2C communication, in addition to a GND and 5V to get to the ATmega board.

on the outer side of the base, I connected the 3 positive wires to the cable (the one I'll connect the the wall power source) and also the 3 GND, I connected the 5V and GND to come from the Arduino Nano to the ATmega since it has a built-in regulator. I also connected the I2C from this side.
The following diagram show what is connected to what and what goes where, to work as a guide in building the celestial sphere.

After assembling all the components and parts together, there was only one thing left to do: TUCK IT ALL IN! tuck the wires and the arduino board inside the dome, tuck the screen inside the casing, tuck all the wires together with the black tape.

And now that everything was tucked and neat (and no longer a mess thankfully) This is what I got:

Or watch it in HD here:

In this image, you can meet Hana' and Adham posing with the globe, they found me working on it and they were intrigued about it, they waited for me to finish and tested it. They found it very informative and appealing, and they even filmed a video of me explaining what it is to show it in their school, so I guess this is my testing of the product.