Hi! Welcome to Week 20

Project Development

Project Development

This week, I'll be answering few questions regarding the Final project:

* What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
So far, I have printed the 3d body, I have designed the base and the electronics boards, prepared the programs for each board and figured out how to link each segment to the other. What is left to do is to color the body, connect the LED segments, mill the bases, and solder the components.

* What has worked and what hasn't?
The original idea I had contained 75 constellations, but that turned out extremely hard to do so I did 15 containing 117 star. The body turned out great, and everything else is going smoothly, especially after I found the slip ring that allowed my to make the dome rotatable.

* What questions need to be resolved?
At this point, everything is clear on how I want to communicate between the boards, the method of linking the LEDS, how everthing will fit with everthing...

* What will happen when?
I will have to finish my project within this round, as I plan to apply for a masters degree soon, and I also would like to use my project as a prototype for a much bigger and detailed educational project.

* What have you learned?
Making this project has been very eye opening. I learned about I2C communication, resistences and LEDs and power calculations, using encider to control something and showing it on an LCD.

Last Week's Assignment

Final Project