2. Project management

This week I will:

  • Build a personal site describing me and my final project.
  • Upload it to the class archive.
  • Work through a git tutorial.

Desired Outcomes

  • Explore and use website development tools
  • Identify and utilise version control protocols


  • Description: Complete assignments and produce outcomes of Week 2 Project Management.

  • Planning: I thought about using Drupal and Bootstrap as the platform for a personal site.

  • Materials: Using current laptop, internet connection, and prior knowledge. No additional cost

  • Problems: My attempt to access my student Fab Academy site during our first lecture resulted in the following error message: “404 Not Found nginx”.

  • Corrections: When I received notification of my welcome to gitlab.fabcloud.org message from Academany IT, I logged in and began managing my account. I explored GitHub and completed the tutorial.

  • Workflow: By completing the tutorial, I became familiar with GitHub. With the newly acquired knowlege, I explored gitlab.fabcloud.org where I discovered the README.md in the Repo Files and followed the instructions. I decided to try my student site again and discovered a template with temporary information as placeholders, so I began to update and Commit new content. I used web dev experience from the past to change my content.

  • Success: I was able to completely modify my student Fab Academy site just as Week 2 began. (Shortly after I watched the only Lunar Eclipse, Supermoon, Blood Moon in 2019 :)

  • Next Step: Update the Final Project idea on my student Fab Academy site.

  • Installed Working Copy on my iPhone and used it to learn more about Pro Git by Scott Chacon @ https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2

  • Further Steps FabAcademy - Tutorials http://fabacademy.org/2018/docs/FabAcademy-Tutorials/ I learned how to contribute.

  • Created a github account with another email address to practice more

  • Forked the FabAcademy-Tutorials repository - Learned about Fork and forked the octocat/Spoon-Knife repository; went ahead and made a change; discovered that I needed to set up Git; downloaded Git; read the README.txt; had to allow the installer to run on the MacBook-Pro; checked the location of the install to ensure it went to /usr/bin; Generated a new SSH key; passphrase https://help.github.com/articles/working-with-ssh-key-passphrases/; Added my SSH key to the ssh-agent; https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent/; Added a new SSH key to my GitHub account; received an email informing me of the new public key; Set my Git username for every repository on my computer https://help.github.com/articles/setting-your-username-in-git/; Set my email address for every repository on my computer; https://help.github.com/articles/setting-your-commit-email-address-in-git/;

  • After becoming familiar with git on a Mac, I downloaded Git for Windows and setup a GitLab repo of my website on my Windows laptop. I wanted to see the markdown before I pushed the changes, so I installed mydocs on the PC as well. I am still trying to make this work, but I have come a long way from never using git before.

  • This has been a tough time due to flu like illness, but due to the downtime I was able to carve out some time to make mkdocs work on the localhost. I happy to say that the words you are reading are being served on my Windows laptop as quickly as I can type and save.

  • I knew I needed mkdocs to serve the pages, so I downloaded and installed phython and pip; you will see in the instructions that they are required. After doing that, I created a new site according to the documentation and was able to serve it on the localhost. With excitement, I went to the jim-hart directory in my githive and started the server; I got an error about material not being install, but I couldn’t pursue the issue due to life happening. I put it on hold for another day :) Today! I also installed notepad++ for ease of editing; vim works and I can get around but wordwrap makes my world so much easier.

  • So, today, I tried again…I searched the mkdocs site for material and found that the configuration for the site is found in the mkdocs.yml; I knew that duh!? :) So I edited mkdocs.yml and found a comment by the nice folks who provided it see: https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/getting-started/#color-palette (Thanks @fibasile :) I pasted that in a browser and I discover a new world; one that fixed mine. So, these are called themes, and mkdocs uses them, but you have to install them with your mkdocs; I used pip and it handled it beautifully. I went to the jim-hart directory in my githive and started the server: eccovi finalmente!! I am editing and serving on the localhost! When I get done I will push this to my GitLab.FabCloud…can’t wait.

  • So, now I have to work out all of the kinks and get this git workflow moving to the point that “there is no spoon” :) Cya!

  • Sidebar: Just found this cool tool Lighthouse as a webpage checker