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17. Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

“Enjoy your final push” . Said Neil .

And it totally moved me that this journey is coming to an end .

I won’t lie , I can’t wait for it to finish , so I can figure out my next step and to celebrate my graduation from one of the toughest programs I have ever been through .

Yet , I’m kinda used to it now . I guess that’s where you get the spirit to seek communication with this community along the future .


Very great lecture filled with insights . The task is to concider how your project should be licenced and how to manage your copy rights and all these stuff .

As for my project , I want it to be open source so anyone can use my designs and maybe enhance them and build his pet a marvelous health care castle .

After a nice tour among websites , I came to Creative Commons

in the website you get to choose how you want your work shared , based on few selections .

Then they generate a code for you to embed in your website , to disply your copyrights type . And it’s also machine-readable .

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Final project poster

Never been a good designer , but here is what I have in mind .

Hopefully , Actual poster will look much better .

Final project Video

It should be a minute long .

What I want to cover : Milling , Printing , Soldering , Maybe coding ,

Assembly , Testing and Client’s experience (Bumba trying it and hopefully loving it)

These are 6 topics , so I guess each can get 10 seconds or less to give more to Experience ,

As I understood that showing that the project is functional is the most important .

The plan is to get as many shots as I can then filter them .

Still not sure which software to be using , I’m in exploring phase now .

Last update: May 29, 2021