Interface and application programming

Week 14


Group assignment:
  • Compare as many tool options as possible
Individual assignment :
  • Write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made

Group assignment

I was in the group with Antti and Kenichi and we divided the tools as the following in such a way that each of us had the chance to test 1-2 of them and get familiar with them:

  • Processing & Blynk (Mona)
  • MIT App Inventor & Adafruit IO (Kenichi)
  • Tkinter (Antti)


Processing is a simple programming environment that was created to make it easier to develop visually oriented applications with an emphasis on animation and providing users with instant feedback through interaction. The developers wanted a means to “sketch” ideas in code.

First, I downloaded and installed Processing in my computer. Then created a new Processing sketch and copied the simple "hello world" skecth from the github and used Arduino Uno board.

Figure 1. Uploading and running a sketch in Processing.

The Processing equivalent of a "Hello World" program is simply to draw a line:

line(15, 25, 70, 90);

Figure 2. Drawing a line in Processing.

Then, in Yazan's page, I found an example of how to print “Hello world!” in the console (Figure 3) and how to print it on a window. Window is created with size(x,y) and the background is set as yellow throuhgh background(255, 204, 0). Besided printing command, we should also define the format of the font including its type, size and filling color (fill(0,0,0) for black) as they are marked in Figure 3 with red line. To avoid overlapping the printing texts, I had to modify height.

Figure 3. Uploading and running the "Hello, World!" sketch in Processing.

The customized "Hello, World!" sketch in Processing


Blynk was designed for the Internet of Things. It can control hardware remotely, it can display sensor data, it can store data, vizualize it and do many other cool things. There are three major components in the platform:

  • Blynk App - allows to you create amazing interfaces for your projects using various widgets (Android or Iphone).
  • Blynk Server - responsible for all the communications between the smartphone and hardware. You can use our Blynk Cloud or run your private Blynk server locally. It’s open-source, could easily handle thousands of devices and can even be launched on a Raspberry Pi.
  • Blynk Libraries - for all the popular hardware platforms - enable communication with the server and process all the incoming and outcoming commands.

Every time you press a Button in the Blynk app, the message travels to space the Blynk Cloud, where it magically finds its way to your hardware. It works the same in the opposite direction and everything happens in a blynk of an eye.

Figure 4. How Blynk Works [ref.]

First, I installed IOS version to my phone, then opened the App and created a new account. An authentication toke will be sent to your email for each one of the projects you create in Blynk. Then, I installed Blynk Library in Arduino IDE through Sketch->Include Library->Manage Libraries.... Then the Library Manager will open and you will find a list of libraries that are already installed or ready for installation. Search for Blynk library and in the version selection choose the latest version to date. Then, I installed the ESP8266 development board in Arduino IDE. I followed the next steps from here:

  • In your Arduino IDE, go to File> Preferences and enter into the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field.
  • Open the Boards Manager. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager…
  • Search for ESP8266 and press install button for the “ESP8266 by ESP8266 Community"

Then, I created a new Blynk project in my phone, selected the right board and chose a name for the project

Figure 5. Creating and setting a new project in Blynk

In Arduino IDE, choose the right board as Figure 6.

Figure 6. Choosing the right board in Arduino IDE

I used the following code in Arduino:

Next, it is the time to add widgets and link each widget to the right pin. Tap anywhere on the canvas to open the widget box. All the available widgets are located here. Now pick a button. Tap and hold the Widget to drag it to the new position. Each Widget has it’s own settings. Tap on the widget to get to them. The most important parameter to set is PIN. The list of pins reflects physical pins defined by your hardware. If your LED is connected to Digital Pin 8 - then select D8 (D - stands for Digital).

Figure 7. Adding widgets to Blynk

To compare these tools I tried to work with, Blynk is very simple to set with your phone by simply dragging and dropping widgets while Procesing is a platform flexible software sketchbook and a language to code within the context of the visual arts. So, each of them can be proper depends on the use you plan for.

MIT App Inventor

MIT App Inventor is an online platform designed to teach computational thinking concepts through development of mobile applications. Students create applications by dragging and dropping components into a design view and using a visual blocks language to program application behavior. The MIT App Inventor user interface includes two main editors: the design editor and the blocks editor. The design editor, or designer, is a drag and drop interface to lay out the elements of the application’s user interface (UI). The blocks editor is an environment in which app inventors can visually lay out the logic of their apps using color-coded blocks that snap together like puzzle pieces to describe the program.

Kenichi had already worked with MIT App Inventor during Networking and Communications week and you can find inclusive instructions on his page.

First open the programming webpage of App Inventor. After defining the name of project, the designer view is shown with smartphone view. Then, add a simple Text Button and change the view of blocks. This is similar operation as Scratch coding blocks.

Figure 8. Adding blocks in MIT App Inventor

When setup is done on PC, you can connect with phone and the phone can run this code and verify the functions.

Figure 9. Connecting pc to the phone in MIT App Inventor

For this test, ESP32 board which is made in Kenichi's previous week and upload the code there.

ESP32 coding, he used the default library of ESP32 regarding Bluetooth connectivity. And set the LED function using digitalWrite for GPIO #23 when received the Bluetooth serial “1” or “0”. Also set up the debug purpose serial print and can confirm the signal of Bluetooth connection.

Figure 10. Configuring in Arduino IDE

To transfer the code from the website directly to your mobile phone, you need to install MIT AI2 Companion App.

Adafruit IO

For working with Adafruit IO, first of all you need to create an acount to sign up. Then, go to Dashboards -> New Dashboard and create new Block (e.g. a Toggle Button). This time, the developement kit of ESP8266, (NodeMCU v2 - LUA ) is used for test.

In Arduino IDE, install “Adafruit IO Arduino” by Library manager (ESP8266).

Figure 11. Adding Adafruit IO Arduino library in Arduino IDE

To check the connection with ESP8266 and Adafruit IO webpage, try the example of “adafruitio_00_publish”

Figure 12. Testing the example “adafruitio_00_publish” from the selected library

Then, change the account info of Adafruit IO and Wifi SSID and Password of your local Wifi connection.

Figure 13. Adding the account info according to the username and Active key

Next, upload the file to ESP8266 and reset the board, then for Wifi connection, the ESP8266 connects to internet and Adafruit IO web site. Profile -> Monitor can show the live data of connections.

Figure 14. Wifi connection and live data in Adafruit IO

MQTT, or message queue telemetry transport, is a protocol for device communication that Adafruit IO supports. Using a MQTT library or client you can publish and subscribe to a feed to send and receive feed data.

Feeds are the core of the Adafruit IO system. The feed holds metadata about the data you push to Adafruit IO. This includes settings for whether the data is public or private, what license the stored sensor data falls under, and a general description of the data. The feed also contains the sensor data values that get pushed to Adafruit IO from your device. You will need to create one feed for each unique source of data you send to the system. For example, if you have a project with one temperature sensor and two humidity sensors, you would need to create three feeds. One feed for the temperature sensor, and one feed for each humidity sensor.


Tkinter package (“Tk interface”) is defined as the “standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit”.

First thing to get strated with tkinter is to install Python. Newest version at time of this group work was 3.9.5, which was installed. Tkinter is installed by default in Python installation.

After installation, Tkinter can be tested by running python -m tkinter in command line.

Tkinter test

Clicking button adds [ ] brackets around “Click me!” text. Screenshots after 1 and 3 clicks.

One click Three clicks

Simple GUI with Tkinter

With help of Iván’s Gitlab wiki pages and GitHub repository and John Elder’s Youtube video‘s first 30 minutes, creating basic elements with Tkinter was easy.

Starting with import, Tk() and mainloop() commands, empty Tkinter window can be produced.

Adding labels (text boxes) and button is quite easy, but packing those to window must not be forgotten!

Tkinter code and window it creates:

Tkinter code and window

Tkinter window after 3 clicks:

Tkinter window, 3 click labels

Comparison of tools

We have tested five different application developement tools, Processing, Blynk, MIT APP Inventor, Adafruit IO and Tkinter. Processing and Tkinter are more for code oriented developement tools, Blynk and MIT APP inventor are GUI orientend developement tools. GUI oriented Blynk and MIT APP inventor are work friendly, easy to understand for beginers but it is needed to registration and a bit complicated setups for PC, phone and devices. Once environment is ready, it's easier developement environement but also it costs subscription fee. Processing and Tkinter have more straightforward path for the programmers . It is easy to make hello world and functional demo use case but difficult nad time consuming to create and handling widgets such as button, images or labels.

Individual Assignment

For this week, I decided to use Processing with the board I made for Input Devices week which had ATtiny1614 microcontroller and was programmed for an ultrasonic sensor. I tested two codes with different UIs. The first one was with a car image which its sizes increased and decreased by changing the distance while for the second test, I tried a black background with a text displaying the distance and would be modified if the distance is changed. I started with the Arduino code I tested before:

Arduino code for ultrasonic sensor with ATtiny1614

But strangely, I faced an error during uploading!

Figure 15. Error in uploading Arduino code for ultrasonic sensor

Then, I tried to test the sensor with an Arduino board and create a simple UI for that. I found this nice example to start with. For the setup, I used an Arduino UNO board, an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor-HC-SR04, a breadboard and jumper wires and for the circuit connection:

  • Pin 11 to Echor
  • Pin 12 to Trigger
  • 5V to VCC
  • GND to GND

Figure 16. The circuit connections

I used NewPing library example in Arduino IDE as the code by changing the Trigger and Echo pins according to my according to my board and also changing the maximum distance (to 50 cm). I used serial communication to transfer data from Arduino to my computer.

For Processing, I used the code from the tutorial while added a car image for interface. The size of the image would decrease or increase by changing the distance.

There are many similarities between Arduino IDE and Processing Development Environment (DE) command line [1]. Processing has a similar setup loop that is established by using:

void setup (){ code }

In Arduino IDE we use void loop where a certain function/command will continuously running. Since Processing is more towards visual art, drawing shapes is often used and Processing has a continuous loop where drawing is continuously performed that is established by using:

void draw () { code }

Similar to serial monitor in Arduino IDE, processing DE has canvas where the executed command will appear (example drawing of shapes) and user can determine the canvas size in pixels by using the below command:

size(width, height);

To define the size of the image, I used this code:

map(serialIn, 0, 50, 100, 500);

Which transforms a distance of 0 to 50 cm into a image size in the range of 100 to 500 pixels. To read data from the serial port, I used: ;

After running, an error appeared in the consule (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException). I am not familiar with java, but I guessed that it might be related to defining the port (as shown in Figure 17).

Figure 17. Processing code with the error

So, I tried to change the 12th line to arduino = new Serial(this,Serial.list()[0] ,115200) and it worked:

Testing the generated UI with ultrasonic sensor in Processing

Then, I came back to my own baord with ATtiny1614 microcontroller and as Ivan suggested, it might had been broken, so I had to remill and resolder the pcb board again!:(

When the new board was ready, I tested programming in Arduino. This time, I realized that the USB connection of my programmer board might be thin and therefore, cause poor connection. After fixing the problem with adding another layer of tape to the USB connection side of the board and testing again, it worked!

Figure 18. The circuit connections with my own board with ATtiny1614

But as it can be seen in the video, the signal from the sensor was noisy. So, I tested another simple code in Arduino IDE from here for displaying the distance as UI. So, with changing the distance from the sensor, the number dispalying on the screen will be changed:

Similar to the previous test with the car image, I used serial communication to send data from Arduino to my computer. Here, the format of the data sent from the board to the computer is string ("Distance: x cm\n") while for the car UI, it was an integer (if you are sending just the distance in cm, \n is added to the ending.

And this code for Processing which the text on the screen would be define as in the following figure.:

Here, to read data from the serial port, I used:

void serialEvent(Serial myPort) { code }

This function will be called everytime data is received in the serial port. Then, with readStringUntil(\n), the value that will be displayed later on the screen.


I had no prior knowledge about interface tools but during this week, I briefly learned about a couple of them including Processing that I worked with it for my individual assignment and tried to generate UI for the board I made during Input Devices Week. I also got familiarized a bit how the pc is supposed to connect with the phone through an application. I also learned about different codes applied for defining UI in processing.

Mona Peyvasteh

Fab Academy 2021

Diary of my journey to the world of Digital Fabrication