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Paula Alonso Palomar

Hi! My name is Paula Alonso Palomar and I come from the beautiful Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (Spain). This set of 8 islands are in the Atlantic Ocean, next to Morocco (Africa) which gifts us with one of the best climates in the world! The nature that surrounds the huge diversity in Canaries has made me develop a profound love for nature and for the will to preserve it and sustain it.

The beauty of where I live

In 2015 I decided to study Interior Architecture and Design in Arts University Bournemouth, United Kingdom. This career opened my eyes to the world of design and the infinite possibilities of creating future shaping solutions through creativity and innovation.

I quickly became immersed in the beauty and funcionality of the design of spaces and the idea that, through them, I had the possibility to experiment, play and learn with and from society. It was three years ago, when I came across with a fab lab, that I started to gain deep interest in them, as well as for city fabrication and open sources and spaces for society. This even inspired me to develop my final major project which was based on the social aspect of design and the idea of connecting people and communities through their own autonomy. This is why I really admire the structure and organisation of fab labs, as I believe they are the future towards a more independent, self-taught and self-sufficient society.

Since then, my design thinking has turned out to be a constant eager to research, experiment, innovate, convey and transform through spaces. I want to break stigmas, to create new concepts, to flourish new ideas in people’s minds. Provoke different ways of thinking, make them question, understand and enjoy.

I am also a great freak of food and travelling which has encouraged me to start developing a guide you can check here, which aims to communicate the pleasure of eating and discovering new places through a conscious approach.

Photography, colours, shapes and graphic design exploration are also part of my daily exploration. This can be checked on my official instagram account

One of my collages


After graduating, I continued to put into practice my skills within a hotel design company. This was a very enriching experience that lasted a year and taught me a lot about the practical side of design. I decided to move to Amsterdam to look for new exciting adventures!

In my free time I also take part in different cultural and music collectives where primarily I have to develop art installations and production set-ups, as well as ensuring the different events run smoothly. Due to covid this has all been stopped but we are currently working on developing a very cool-futuristic-exciting project :)

I am also passionate about unconventional green spaces, the importance of local resources and a growing interest for new upcycled materials.

For more information you can check my Linkedin here


I see prototyping as a deeper understanding of the overall performance and function of a product, which I think is vital to create more meaningful and thoughtful designs. In a world where we produce to consume endlessly, rapid prototyping takes a broader depth when designing and also reduces time, costs and materials. The idea that fab labs promote a better use of resources, a wider use of local facilities and materials, and connect people and industries from all over the world, opening up international crossover richness, is very aligned to what I am passionate about.

I decided to join the Fab Lab Academy as I think “Digital Fabrication” is the connection I seek between my passion for social design and my curiosity for technology. I believe these five months will allow me to have a broader understanding of the possibilities within technology as well as allowing me to direct my design knowledge, experience and imagination within a more practical and tangible realm.

I can’t wait to explore design in an experimental and hybrid way, focusing on imagining, researching and prototyping emerging futures, as well as acquiring new skills in this incredibly innovative environment.

Last update: February 9, 2021