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Week 17: Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models


  • Individual assignment: Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project. Prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your root directory.

What to learn:

  • Formulate future opportunities

Have you answered these questions?

  • Outlined future possibilities and described how to make them probabilities

  • Prepared a draft summary slide and video

DOUBT: What does “dissemination plan” mean? Answer: It means how will you raise awareness of your project amongst the target group. The dissemination plan might answer questions such as: who is your project for, how is it funded, is there a license you chose or something else to protect intellectual properties of your project, is there a business plan, how would you fund scaling up, etc.

DOUBT: My final project is not yet completed, how can I complete the poster and video? Answer: You should use the material you have now and improve your poster and video when the final project is completed. You can put place holders for the missing pieces of information.

Individual assignment:


For this week’s assignment I have to answer the question of how I will disseminate my project which means how I will communicate my project to the world.

Who is my project for? My project will be for myself but I want to create the project open source so that anyone can feel free to use the 3D files/ kicad designs to adapt these features to their own campervan. This project will be a way to share knowledge of how I built my camper-van, obviously anyone can adapt this information to their needs and knowledge and continue improving the designs. This project will:

  • make available 3D files and Ki-Cad electronics files

  • make available a comprehensive manual (either written with pictures or in video format for users to follow guidelines).

How is it funded? This project will be funded by myself.

Intellectual Property

Is there a license you chose or something else to protect intellectual properties of your project? I will choose Creative Commons License to share this knowledge with the rest of the world. The type of license I will choose is: CC BY-SA. This license “lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to “copyleft” free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.” This means anyone can share it, adapt it or transform my project under the following terms:

  • Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

  • Commercial: You may use the material for commercial purposes.

  • ShareAlike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

I will do this after presenting my final project on 9th June.

Is there a business plan? No, I don’t need a Business Plan for this project as I do not intend to get money from this.

Slide and Video:

I also have to make a slide for my final project and video. This of course will be orientative as I still do not have my final project completed.

For the design of the slide I will use Adobe Illustrator, I think it is important to include:

  • a good quality picture which shows the whole set of things designed and made

  • the title of the project: SMART VAN

  • a small description of the project

  • smaller photos (5) of the processed used: 3D design, CNC, moulding, electronics, interface

The slide has to be named presentation.png, and have a size of 1920x1080 which is the typical size you use in web design: sizeill

This is how the layout of the slide will look like, I have three options, I will choose depending on the type of photos I will have:

slide slide slide

For the design of the video I will use Kdenlive as I find it quite intuitive to use (although I had to install it in Windows cause I am not really sure that it works on Mac). I think it is important to include(in order):

  • Smart Van title + van icon

  • Series of short videos showing how kitchen is used and filming the different things designed (opening tap of water, opening doors and getting plates, film gas sensor, using app and showing everything is okay etc, … )

  • Processes, how did I do it? 3D video showing how the different parts of model come together + milling with Shopbot + time lapse of assembling the whole cabinet together + time lapse adding extra components + milling pcb board time lapse + soldering time lapse + connecting gas meter to app video

  • Final phrase: This is just Spiral 1…

How do I put this in the root directory?

To add this in the root directory you have to add the two files with “presentation.png” for the slide and “presentation.mp4” for the video in your docs folder where you have all your mkdocs website saved to:


You then upload both to the server and you have to type the following to see your slide, this is the link Neil will use on the final presentation day:

You have to type the following to see your video, this is the link Neil will use on the final presentation day:

It worked!!

Last update: June 2, 2021