exploring 2d image editing software krita

i am using this software for making trace path , drill path and cut path for my pcb board ,this is really easy software much more similar to Photoshop the tools i used basic tools for this operation

step 1 - importing your file in krita software for this open software and for this i go to file menu and open my file directly and select crop tool from side menu bar and select cro

once you crop your image save your image file as you need this file for making other files

step 2 use croped image to make trace file

for this select the outer boundary of your image file with  ' fill 'tool and fill black color into this as you need to remove the outer boundary for trace file by filling it black you actually merge this with background color


step 3 use cropped trace image to make drill file for this you need to use fill tool for this change color from top from black to white and fill white and again change color from white to black and fill the numbers inside holes with black

step 4 to make cut file from croped image for this open croped image and fill the inner black with white using fill tool and select all holes remaining and fill them white again in this way all inner portion become white and the outer boundary remain is your cut file