• I am aiming to make FDM 3D printing filament maker machine. Concept is to extrude 3d printable plastic filament by using plastic granules as raw material.
  • My inspiration to pursue this project is rigorous familiarity with 3d printing technology, and interest to explore more in additive manufacturing. Vision behind this project is to develop more advanced 3d printing materials that satisfy need of industrial and medical standards.


Click here for project ideation which is done in Week 1



  • For my final project I have designed my board in Input device week, which can be accessed from here
  • Input device week I have tested thermistor which will sense temperature of extruder.
  • Output device week I have tested cartridge heater which are going to use to heat and melt plastic pallets to extrude filament.
  • Interface design week, I have made application which can turn on and off heater based on heating requirement


 ©2018 Tanvir Khorajiya