Interface and Application Programming

Interface and Application Programming


Write an application that interfaces with an input and/or output device that you made

The board I used is my SH.M.J Board which I built in Output Devices Week.


I start with creating a circuit on the breadboard.

Connect the LED`s (Blue, Red, Green and White), then Connect up the breadboard to my board.

After I made the circuit, I write the Code.

Here is my code:

    void setup() {

  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);   //set pin as output , Red led
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);   //set pin as output , White led
  pinMode(7, OUTPUT);   //set pin as output , Blue led
  pinMode(6, OUTPUT);  //set pin as output , Green led
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT); // set pin as output , yellow led

  Serial.begin(9600);    //start serial communication @9600 bps

void loop(){
  if(Serial.available()){  //id data is available to read

    char val =;

    if(val == 'r'){       //if r received
      digitalWrite(10, HIGH); //turn on red led
    if(val == 'b'){       //if b received
      digitalWrite(9 , HIGH); //turn on blue led
    if(val == 'w'){       //if y received
      digitalWrite(7 , HIGH); //turn on white led
      if(val == 'g') {
        digitalWrite(6 , HIGH); // turn on green led
      if(val == 'y'){
        digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // turn on yellow led
    if(val == 'f'){       //if f received
      digitalWrite(10, LOW); //turn off all led
      digitalWrite(9, LOW);
      digitalWrite(7, LOW);
      digitalWrite(6, LOW);
      digitalWrite(5, LOW);

If I send the first letter of the LED it will blink, If I send F all of the LED`s will stop blinking.

After the code, the only thing left is the Processing program.

In Processing, you can create a GUI (graphical user interface) with which you can do many things.
One of these things is to control and interact with an Arduino.

In Processor I press on sketch menu to import (Control P5) library.

I write this code to make the window and Button.

To create a menu :

press on Run to see how its look like.

To write the title:


This is how window looks like:

Here is the Processing code:

      import controlP5.*; // import controlP5
import processing.serial.*;
Serial port; 
ControlP5 cp5 ; // creat controlP5
PFont font;

void setup(){
  size (400 , 650 ); // window size height and width
  printArray (Serial.list()); //prints all available serial ports
  port = new Serial (this,"COM12",9600); 
  cp5= new ControlP5 (this);

  cp5.addButton("red") // name of button
  .setPosition(140,50) // xy coordinates
  .setSize(100,80) // (width,height)
cp5.addButton("white") // name of button
  .setPosition(140,150) // xy coordinates
  .setSize(100,80) // (width,height)
cp5.addButton("blue") // name of button
  .setPosition(140,250) // xy coordinates
  .setSize(100,80) // (width,height)
cp5.addButton("green") // name of button
  .setPosition(140,350) // xy coordinates
  .setSize(100,80) // (width,height)
cp5.addButton("yellow") // name of button
  .setPosition(140,450) // xy coordinates
  .setSize(100,80) // (width,height)
 cp5.addButton("alloff") // all led will be on
  .setPosition(140,550) // xy coordinates
  .setSize(100,80); // (width,height)
void draw(){
  background(138,151,71); //background color of window (r,g,b)
  fill (143,76,106);  // text color 
  text("LED CONTROL", 150 , 30); // give title to my window , position to the title 
void red(){
  port.write ('r');
  void white(){
   void blue(){
   void green(){
     void yellow(){
       port.write ('y');}
       void alloff(){

This is how everything works:


I wanted to create an interface that controls a RGB LED. To do that, I created 4 button, one for red, one for green, one for blue and the last one for white.
When a button is pressed it will send a certain data to my board and my board depending on what has been received will light
the corresponding color.

The python code is shown below:

import serial #import serial to enable sending and receiving data using the serial port
import tkinter #tkinter is the GUI for python
data= serial.Serial('com15','9600') #define the com of the arduino and the baud rate which is set to 9600
def turn_red_on(): #This is to turn the LED on, we send one over the serial port and in the arduino code we turn the led on using digitalWrite
def turn_blue_on(): #This is to turn the LED off, we send one over the serial port and in the arduino code we turn the led off using digitalWrite
def turn_green_on():

def turn_white_on():
Red=Button(led_ctrl_win, text=" RED ", command=turn_red_on,  height=6, width=10)
Blue=Button(led_ctrl_win, text="BLUE ", command=turn_blue_on,height=6, width=10)
Green=Button(led_ctrl_win, text="Green", command=turn_green_on,height=6, width=10)
white=Button(led_ctrl_win, text="White", command=turn_white_on,height=6, width=10)
#T= text(led_ctrl_win, height=2, width=30)



The code for my board is shown below:

#define red 10
#define blue 7
#define green 9
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(blue, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(green, OUTPUT); 

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
          switch (data){
          case '0':
               setColor(0, 255, 255); // Red Color

           case '1':
               setColor(255, 255, 0); // Blue Color
          case '2':
               setColor(255, 0, 255); // Green Color
           case '3':
           setColor(0, 0, 0); // White Color
void setColor(int redValue, int greenValue, int blueValue) {
  analogWrite(red, redValue);
  analogWrite(green, greenValue);
  analogWrite(blue, blueValue);

This is how everything works:

I don`t face any problem in this assignment :)

Download Files:

Arduino Code LED
Processing code LED
Arduino Code RGB
Python code RGB