Week 18: Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

Lecture Neil 01/06/2016

Assignment: Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

Prepare drafts of your summary slide and video


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For my Final Project instead of folding 1000 origami cranes for good luck and health the traditional way, I planned to make a "Thousand shades of crane" zoetrope with crane birds colour cycling through thousand shades of light. I strongly believe this digital equivalent of folding 1000 origami paper cranes, in order to work for getting good luck and health, is still bound to the rule that it should all be made by the same person who is to make the wish. This means that as far as dissemination of my Final Project is concerned it will consist of nothing more than make the zoetrope, make the wish and then hope for the best.

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Would it have been something less esotheric, I would have used the tools described in these books to develop the business. This would have included developping a business model using Alexander Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas (I am supposed to know how to do these because I learned the trade from Osterwalder himself in several workshops and Masterclasses).

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I would also have used Lego Serious Play , another tool in my Business Development toolbox that I use to devellop ideas and solve problems both for my own business as for 3rd parties when doing workshops as a Certified Lego Serious Play facilitator.

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Part of the plans would have been how to protect Intellectual Property. Twice in my live and for different reason I went the patent application road for this, a lengthy process that costs lots of money. The first time I did so was because my invention was the hardware user interface for a game in a TV show I came up with. Protecting intellectual ownership against big TV producers is very difficult and getting paid when the show is sold to other countries is even harder. In this case however because of the Patent application for the device (called the Walker), the "big TV producer" had to negociate with me and come to a financial agreement every time the show was aired or sold.

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In 2010 it was for a completely different reason I got involved in a patent application (and still am, remember the lengthy?), that reason being to have firm and clear protection against claims of others (i.c. Apple). Such a "defensive" patent is important when the plan is to sell a business develloped around proprietary technology, which is the case with the Improvement in Media Editing described in the patent above.


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However, as Bob Dylan already mentioned before: The Times They Are a-Changin'. Nowadays, using open source hardware and using code of others under a Creative Commons license, thus building further and including what has been done by others before before, dissemination of one's own attribution under a Creative Commons license seems the most logical way to go. To help decide and choose between the various licenses is made easy by this chooser .


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How to make money then, for instance with open source physical objects, has to be further developped and asks for experimenting to find out. The 4 stages model described on this AnotherShoe open source footwear page offering customers a Do it yourself, Make it yourself, Assemble it yourself and Wear it yourself option, could be one of those new models. For the project I am working on now (June 2018) in the context of Make Health: prototyping I plan to try this model.

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Summary slide and Video clip

The Summary slide of my Final Project can be found here.

The Video clip of my Final Project can be watched from here.

FILES: All files of this week can be found here.

© Inger Le Gué, Reykjavik 2016