Week 1: Principles and Practices, Project Management


Lecture Neil 27/01/2016

Tutorial Bas 29/01/2016 at FabLab Reykjavik

Assignment: Build a personal site, formulate a final project proposal and identify version control protocols.


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The last time I built a website (and it was a really simple one!) was in 2004, using Macromedia Dreamweaver 2003. A lot has changed since, so basically I had to start learning from scratch how to do it.

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I looked at some tutorials, starting with one explaining the difference between plain HTML …



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… and what using CSS adds to this. I looked at LibraOffice and Sea Monkey, but since as a Photoshop user I am very used to the Adobe user interfaces I decided to build my website in Adobe Dreamweaver.

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I choose a standard template that came with the app. I figured out how the code worked by changing omething in split-view and look at the result. I started adding my own content, duplicate parts of code and add more pages, including an about me and a final project page where I formulated initial thoughts on my final project.

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Next step was to get everything into the repository. I started by reading the first chapters of the Pro Git book and watched a few youtube git tutorials, like "Introduction to Git" and "Learn to Git, Basic Concept"


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By following the instructions of our instructor Bas Withagen and using this handy flashcard, I managed to push my website to the git.fabacademy.org repository using git bash.



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When I wanted to make changes to my website a few months later I got a scary message, stating "Possible DNS spoofing possible". I asked guru Bas for help.  Bas explained this probably was a fingerprint problem, caused by a change of server (in Dutch: "De server is gewijzigd en heeft dus een andere fingerprint. Jouw ssh client heeft nog steeds de oude fingerprint en geeft daarom deze waarschuwing.")
Per his instructions I typed this command in git bash:
ssh –keygen –f “/c/users/inger/.shh/known_hosts” –r git.fabacademy.org
Git pull then returned the question whether or not to add the new fingerprint to my known_hosts file, to be replied by Yes.
After this the changes could be pushed and (after a small webhook problem) became visible as expected.


When in May/ June 2018 I finally had time and peace of mind to finish documenting my assignments, I found out everything had to be moved to Gitlab. My instructor Bas helped me to do so. Big problem that I had to solve myself: pictures should not be more than 1 MB and there was a limit now of 300 MB in total. My site - with still a few assignments to document - was already far beyond that limit when I tried to move it. Only solution was to scale down all pictures, restore all links to those new pictures (giving the same name to smaller pictures doesn't work for Dreamweaver) and check, check and double check if all works fine again, which I hope now does again!