To make (almost) anything

About Me Assignments Final Project Fab lab 2019

Principles and practices, project management


In this week, I learned and set up Git, created this website to document my work during Fab Academy, and uploaded the website to Fab Academy Gitlab.
All of them were completely new for me, so it was a little bit challenging but it was a great opportunity to learn something new and exciting!


Build a personal site describing you and your final project.
Plan and sketch a potential semester project and add it to your website.
Upload it to the class archive. Work through a git tutorial.

I have started my first week assignment with web development, though it was not difficult for me as Computer Science graduate to working with html and others web devolpment tools.

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Sketch of The Website

Use a w3-color class to add a color to the navigation bar
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Color Combination

Initial Idea
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Navigation Bar

use color class of w3.css for Color combination
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w3.css colors

use image classs of w3.css for Image Styling
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Working with Images

Git for version control

In Fab Academy we are going to document our work in own website and upload it to Fab Academy Gitlab. Here, I am going to write how I set up Git environment.

What is Git?

My week started from learning Git. I saw GitHub sometimes while I was working on my own projects, but I haven't really thought about what it is. Git is a distributed version control
system originally developed in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux operating system. In distributed version control system, such as Git, there are three different types of
storage areas. Workspace is the folder I am editing now. Local repository is the storage for different versions of the projects in my own computer. Remote repository is the storage for
different versions of the projects in a remote server where I can share my projects with others. It is useful, for instance, when some issues are found in a version of the website, every
developer can track the old version of the website and fix the issue. It is possible to track individuals' workflow in a collaborative project.

Installing Git

First I installed latest version of Git for Mac OS X from official webpage of Git to my MacBook. I am using Terminal to write a command in Git. Terminal is Apple's bash shell to access
operating system's service. Following the Fab Academy's tutorial of Setup Git I identified myself in Git by writing the commands of my name and email address in Terminal.

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Downloading Git

Creating SSH key from GitLab
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create and publish a website in remote repository
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Repository Created

Step to upload the website.

Used following Git commands to upload the website. All the command that I have used can be seen in the image given below.

  • cd ~/Desktop/fab_repo
  • Cd Command is used to reach at the directory where the clone is, in my case the clone is at Desktop/fab_repo.
  • git pull
  • git pull is the command which is used to get the data from the git server and update the clone that is in my computer. Here we are also using it to update clone.
  • git status
  • This command is bit simple as the name suggest that it tell us the current status of our fils that what changes have been performed and what have not. These changes are between my last upload to the git and current update. This command also show the from my directory which file are tracked by Git.
  • git add .
  • This command is used to add new changes in all directories and subdirectories. Actually we are doing this to update our page with the new files we want to add.
  • git commit -m ""
  • This command is use to track the changes which are perform at Git. And "-m" is to attach a message which can help me in future that why I update my website this time. I use to write commit like "first assignment 2nd attempt".
  • git push
  • When we are ready to update our page finally this command complete the process by pushing all the data to the website.
  • When we are ready to update our page finally this command complete the process by pushing all the data to the website.

    create and publish a website in remote repository

    After Uploading Interaction

    create and publish a website in remote repository

    5 Terre

    Uploading Content

    After using this my about.html page looks like
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    About Page

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    Student Agreement

    Student Agreement

    This is all for this week

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.