The Fab(ulous) Lab Journey of Sophie K.

Week 18

Applications and Implications

My final project is "Dance of the LEDs. It will be a Shirt with LEDs that I shall dance in. It is something intended for my personal use, with potential to grow into a marketable product sold to dancers of all sort of genres. I don't mind other's taking the project and expanding on it but would love to hear about developments as that's the best way to grow after all.

The project requirements are as following:

For this project I will require:

For this board I will require:

Most in the list are double to account for the second board.

Who has done it beforehand? Inspirations

I have seen some stuff before, but really very few and they aren't always colorful. Most that are are designed by companies to be worn and aren't DIY friendly. Here are some things I found:

This is an Old Spice commerical that features Terry Crews creating music by flexing his muscles.

What will and what will not be made? How much will it cost?

The aim of course is to make everything myself. If I were a pro I would have also made the shirt myself. I will be designing the board myself and the setup of the LEDs too as well as their placement and the gyroscopes too. I will also take time to decide on their placement on the shirt and how the shirt was to look like. Basically designing the looks. I will do the code and used past codes as well as hack other ones I find online.

As for purchases, I think a maximum 20£ should be the price. This is because of the LED strips which I shall order off of amazon, and then the shirt. The shirt was the cheaper one, it is more the LEDs. The rest where things we had in the lab already. I didn't want to make this project too expensive because I didn't think it was necessary, but also, being very broke as a student, I only had so much I could invest.

Which weeks will be covered?

This project will involve a few weeks:

Things to think about/consider

I will be constantly reflecting during this creation process as I need to be agile. If I try to stay too much on course I will frustrate myself if something doesn't go to plan. So I need to be willing to change things around to still fit my goal as well as not consume a lot of time. On top of that, I need to figure out the best method to get the LEDs attached to one another and to sew them onto the shirt without damaging them or the shirt AND still looking presentable.